If you downloaded this or felt it useful a ⭐ would be appreciated!
The following code activates hotkeys for Melody's harp on Hypixel skyblock! You are probably asking yourself what that means, so allow me to explain.
Melody's harp is a notorious part of Hypixel Skyblock, known to give extremely important boosts, but being nearly impossible if your ping is > 100.
Melody's Harp Hotkeys is an attempted fix at this issue, it uses hotkeys to automatically teleport your mouse to the desired location and click, making the harp slightly more bearable.
This is probably what you are asking yourself, so allow me to explain!
✔ 1. Install python (Will not be giving a tutorial, you can google it!)
This is important, because the larger the GUI, the larger the blocks you must click on are, if you do not do this step, the hotkeys may miss and not work.
✔ 4. Run the melody-harp-hotkeys.py in cmd, now you can click a, s, d, f, g, h or i to make the mouse teleport to the associated block.
a - brings you to 685, 511 on the screen, or pink terracotta (note 1)
s - brings you to 779, 511 on the screen, or yellow terracotta (note 2)
And so on, if you wish to edit this you can open melody-harp-hotkeys.py in a code editor and manually move around the locations or switch the hotkeys!