I'm a postdoctoral associate working in the nonlinear dynamics group at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science of the University of Miami. Currently, we are studying Sargassum transport in the North Atlantic using physical and probabilistic models as well as interpretable machine learning techniques. I'm interesting in scientific computing, especially with the Julia language.
I obtained my PhD from the University of Madison-Wisconsin in mathematical physics.
- 📫 Contact: [email protected]
Sargassum.jl A fully featured Sargassum toolkit written in Julia, including physics and biology simulation, satellite data analysis and a zero-code interface.
UlamMethod.jl A package for discretizing trajectory data into a transition probability matrix using Ulam's method. It has been applied to undrogued drifter motion in the North Atlantic to study the motion of Sargassum.
TransitionPathTheory.jl A package which calculates basic and advanced statistics of transition path theory (TPT). These TPT statistics reveal new information about how a Markov process travels from a source to a target.
Kneedle.jl Find the "knee" (corner) in a dataset
(x, y)
, e.g. to find the optimal thresholding parameter in a sparse regression problem.