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A simple interpreter for Lisp written in F#

Build & Run the Project

dotnet build
dotnet run


Arithmetic Operations

  • Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/)
  • Supports arbitrary-precision integers (bigint)

Variables and Functions

  • define to bind symbols to values or functions
  • lambda for creating anonymous functions

Control Structures

  • Conditional expressions with if
  • Sequence execution with begin


  • Define macros using defmacro
  • Macro expansion with parameter substitution

Error Handling

  • Exception handling with try, catch, and throw

List Operations

  • list, cons, car, cdr, append
  • Functional operations: map, filter, reduce


  • String literals with double quotes
  • String functions: string-length, string-append, substring, string->list

Boolean Values

  • true and false literals
  • Logical operations with not, and, or

Tail Call Optimization

  • Supports proper tail recursion for efficient recursion

Built-in Functions

  • Symbol creation with symbol
  • Output with print

Testing Examples

Arithmetic Operations

Lisp> (+ 1 2 3 4 5)
Number 15

Lisp> (* 2 3 4)
Number 24

Lisp> (- 10 3 2)
Number 5

Lisp> (/ 100 5 2)
Number 10 

Variables and Functions

Lisp> (define x 10)
Symbol "x"

Lisp> x
Number 10

Lisp> (define square (lambda (n) (* n n)))
Symbol "square"

Lisp> (square 5)
Number 25

Control Structures

Lisp> (if true "Yes" "No")
String "Yes"

Lisp> (define n 5)
Symbol "n"

Lisp> (if (= n 5) (print "n is five") (print "n is not five"))
n is five
Bool true


Lisp> (defmacro when (condition body)
         (list (symbol "if") condition body))
Symbol "when"

Lisp> (when true (print "Condition is true"))
Condition is true
Bool true

Lisp> (defmacro unless (condition body)
         (list (symbol "if") (list (symbol "not") condition) body))
Symbol "unless"

Lisp> (unless false (print "Condition is false"))
Condition is false
Bool true

Error Handling

Lisp> (try (/ 1 0) (catch e (print (string-append "Error: " e))))
Error: Division by zero
Bool true

List Operations

Lisp> (define lst (list 1 2 3 4 5))
Symbol "lst"

Lisp> (car lst)
Number 1

Lisp> (cdr lst)
List [Number 2; Number 3; Number 4; Number 5]

Lisp> (cons 0 lst)
List [Number 0; Number 1; Number 2; Number 3; Number 4; Number 5]

Lisp> (append lst (list 6 7 8))
List [Number 1; Number 2; Number 3; Number 4; Number 5; Number 6; Number 7; Number 8]

Lisp> (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) lst)
List [Number 1; Number 4; Number 9; Number 16; Number 25]


Lisp> (define greeting "Hello, World!")
Symbol "greeting"

Lisp> (string-length greeting)
Number 13

Lisp> (substring greeting 7 5)
String "World"

Lisp> (string-append greeting " How are you?")
String "Hello, World! How are you?"

Tail-Recursive Factorial Function

Lisp> (define fact (lambda (n acc)
         (if (= n 0)
             (fact (- n 1) (* n acc)))))
Symbol "fact"

Lisp> (fact 5 1)
Number 120


Notice that this project is under MIT License.


A simple interpreter for Lisp written in F#







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