Easy loading of fluent localization resources and generating code bindings for them
To make sure bindings are only generated when a localization file changes (to minimize impact on compile times), and so the recommended build.rs can be used without further modifications, it is recommended to make a new crate that only contains your localization bindings.
At runtime localizations are loaded from the "localizations" subdirectory of the current working directory, with "en_US" as default language. This can be overriden with the TRANSLATION_DIR
environment variables.
Add a dependency on both crates to load localizations and generate bindings:
fluent-localization-loader = "1.0"
fluent-localization-bindgen = "1.0"
Next make a "localizations" directory inside your project, this should have a subfolder for each language, with in it the fluent localization files. There should also be a "default", this is what will be used to generate the code bindings, and will be used as a fallback if a langauge does not contain a required key. It is recommended to use a symlink for this instead of duplicating a language folder.
To load localizations at runtime you can use
This will give you a LocalizationHolder
that holds all localizations for later localizing.
To generate the bindings you use the following code:
At compile time it will insert a struct named LanguageLocalizer
you can use to localize your strings.
At startup it is recommended to validate that all bound keys are present in the actually loaded resources:
To localize something you construct a LanguageLocalizer
with a borrowed LocalizationHolder
, a language, and then call the {filename}_{key}
helper method on it. It will fall back to the default language if the requested language was not loaded.
Example fluent file (base.ftl)
counter=count is at {$counter}
compounded=Compound exaple, {counter}
Would yield would be localized in the following way:
let localizations = LocalizationHolder::load()?;
let language_localizer = LanguageLocalizer::new(&localizations, "en-US");
println!("{}", language_localizer.base_name());
println!("{}", language_localizer.base_counter(2));
println!("{}", language_localizer.base_compounded(2));
And would print
count is at 2
Compound exaple, count is at 2
You can use (a variation) of the following build.rs script to trigger a recompile of your bindings if the resource files change, you might need to move up a directory if your bindings are in a subcrate:
WARNING: make sure you got the directory right, this points to a non existant file/folder, rust will always consider this package as needing to be recompiled
use std::{env, fs, path::PathBuf};
fn main() {
let mut path: PathBuf = env::current_dir().expect("couldn't determine curent dir");
let handle = fs::read_dir(path).expect("Failed to open localizations base dir");
for item in handle {
let item = item.expect("Failed to get handle in localizations dir");
let underlying_name = item.file_name();
let name = underlying_name.to_string_lossy();
if name.ends_with(".ftl") {