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⚠️ This code was built and tested on Linux and it does not run on Windows, even using WSL!

This README reflects the latest state of the code-base written by Mohan.

This branch (`master`) currently has functionality for dealing with direct data. At the moment all baseband functionality resides in branch `newcode`. I will merge that soon. For a detailed how-to about both direct and baseband data codes, refer to the PDF in "docs" directory.

If you're interested in old code/notes, you can find them under the "legacy" directory.

Everything is python3. I generally do `module load python/3.8.5 gcc/9.4.0` on Niagara for a hassle-free experience.

There are two types of  data:

1) Directly computed auto- and cross spectra from two inputs of a SNAP box.  These data products exist in directories named "data_auto_cross"
   The data are chunked in regular hour-long intervals. The number of rows in a direct data file depends on the accumulation length (acclen). The default acclen has been 393216 for quite some time, and corresponds to 6.44 s. Thus, there are roughly 560 rows (may vary by +/- 1 sometimes) in the direct files.
   There are 5-digit directories corresponding to each day (ctime),
   and 10-digit ctime subdirectories within each.  Within each
   subdirectory, the files are:
   - acc_cnt[12].raw : FFT accumulation counter
   - fpga_temp.raw : FPGA temperature
   - pfb_fft_of[12].raw : PFB FFT overflow counter
   - pi_temp.raw : Raspberry Pi temperature
   - pol00.scio, pol11.scio : autospectra of inputs 0 and 1 (each a 2D array)
   - pol01r.scio, pol01i.scio : real and imaginary parts of cross spectra (each a 2D array)
   - sync_cnt[12].raw : some FPGA-related counter, I forget the details
   - sys_clkcounter[12].raw : some FPGA-related counter, I forget the details
   - time_gps_start.raw, time_gps_stop.raw : GPS time_start is when reading a row of accumulated data (one row of a direct file) from FPGA registers started, time_stop is when reading finished. Therefore, stop-start is not the accumulation time. If you're interested in inferring accumulation time from timestamps, look at mean of diff of either start or stop time. The plotting scripts have the correct implementation. 

2) Baseband data: details to follow


Code that's included here:

* : Plot directly computed auto- and
  cross-spectra for a given interval of time (in UTC). The code will automatically find all directories within that time period, concatenate them, average them as per your input, and plot them. Very useful if you want to visualize several hours/days/months of data in a single summary plot. Supports `--help`.

* : Plot directly computed auto- and
cross-spectra for a particular direct spectra folder (10-digit) for quick visualization and sanity checks. Supports `--help`.

* : Miscellaneous functions for handling data and

* : Troll the log files to find system
  information for a particular time stamp.

* : Poorly written script for converting ctimes into
  human-readable timestamps.  The globbing is fragile and sometimes
  needs coaxing in order to work.