- Header
- Webpage Link
- User Stories
- Wireframe
- Description
- What I Learned
- Technical Docs Used
- Project Breakdown
- HTML Files
- index.html
- game.html
- CSS Files
- JavaScript Files
- index.js
- game.js
- HTML Files
- As a user, I should be able to start a new tic tac toe game
- As a user, I should be able to click on a square to add X first and then O, and so on
- As a user, I should be shown a message after each turn for if I win, lose, tie or who's turn it is next
- As a user, I should not be able to click the same square twice
- As a user, I should be shown a message when I win, lose or tie
- As a user, I should not be able to continue playing once I win, lose, or tie
- As a user, I should be able to play the game again without refreshing the page
- This is a simple tic-tac-toe game
- It is a local game
- Two players
- Choose any player name and symbol and play Game data is stored in local storage, so refreshing will just load the current game (or a new game if the game is finished)
- Reloading the page is not necessary to start a new game
- This option is available as a button that will pop up 5 or so seconds after the game is finished
- To end a session click the end game button. This will update the html to a thanks for playing page. By clicking the buttonon this page, you can start a fresh session (or you can refresh)
- Audio object in js
- Local storage in js
- Aspect-ratio in css
- View width and height in css
- calc() in css
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/aspect-ratio - for aspect-ratio https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/calc - for calc() https://www.quirksmode.org/css/units-values/viewport.html - view width and height (vw,vh) https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:hover - CSS hover https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/localStorage - local storage https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLAudioElement/Audio - audio
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset='UTF-8'>
<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'>
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='home.css'>
<section class = 'grid_container'>
<div class = 'grid_part title'>Tic-Tac-Toe</div>
<div class = 'grid_part'></div>
<button class='start'><a class='link_container' target='_self'>Start</a></button>
<div class = 'grid_part'></div>
<div class = 'grid_part'></div>
<div class = 'grid_part'></div>
<div class = 'grid_part '></div>
<script src='index.js'></script>
- This file sets up a simple start page with a title and start button
- Links to index.js and home.css
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset='UTF-8'>
<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'>
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='game.css'>
<section class = 'game_info'>
<div class = 'win_count'></div>
<div class = 'player_turn'></div>
<section class = 'grid_container'></section>
<script src='game.js'></script>
<!-- type='module' -->
- This file contains game info and an empty grid container
- Links to game.js and game.css
- I was initially going to use import and exports between javascript files but ultimately decided against it because it was messing with the testing process
- I used two CSS files
- One for index.html and another for game.html
- Both are similar in function as they are both for setting up/using grids and buttons
- Not much to be said on those
const startButton = document.querySelector('.start');
startButton.addEventListener('click', playAudioMove);
function playAudioMove() {
const sfx = new Audio(`SFX/Game-SFX/mixkit-positive-interface-beep-221.wav`);
window.open('game.html', '_self');
- There was very little js in this file
- There is a playAudioMove function that plays an audio and moves to the game.html page
constructor() {
//An empty grid
//Creating two instances of the player class
if (localStorage.p1Name !== null) {
this.playerOne = new player(localStorage.getItem('p1Name'), localStorage.getItem('p1Symbol'));//new player('Player One', 'X');
this.playerTwo = new player(localStorage.getItem('p2Name'), localStorage.getItem('p2Symbol'));//new player('Player Two', 'O');
//Creating a gameInfo object which contains variables that represent the messages visible on the game page
this.gameInfo = {
playerTurn: document.querySelector(`.player_turn`),
winCount: document.querySelector(`.win_count`),
gameOngoing: true,
// ai: false
//Setting number of turns to one
this.turns = 1;
- this is empty for now
- it will hold the game grid and all of the current cell values
- Checks local storage to see if the player are already defined there
- If not, they are defined using locally stored values
- In this object I stored:
- playerTurn - Linked to an html element in game.html that stores a string detailing the which player's go it is
- winCount - Linked to another html element that stores a string that updates when a player wins
- gameOngoing - boolean that details whether the current game is ongoing - important for localStorage
inputScreenPlayers() {
// Creates an input screen if players haven't been defined yet (no local storage)
if (this.playerOne.name === null) {
//I set up the grid cells and populate them with inputs that have placeholders that describe what the boxes are used for
const p1NameContainer = document.createElement('div');
const p1Name = document.createElement('input');
p1Name.maxLength = '30';
p1Name.placeholder = 'Player One Name';
const p1SymbolContainer = document.createElement('div');
const p1Symbol = document.createElement('input');
p1Symbol.maxLength = '1';
p1Symbol.placeholder = 'Player One Symbol';
const p2NameContainer = document.createElement('div');
const p2Name = document.createElement('input');
p2Name.placeholder = 'Player Two Name';
p2Name.maxLength = '30';
const p2SymbolContainer = document.createElement('div');
const p2Symbol = document.createElement('input');
p2Symbol.maxLength = '1';
p2Symbol.placeholder = 'Player Two Symbol';
//Making a checkbox to determine if this is an AI opponent
// const checkboxCell = document.createElement('div');
// checkboxCell.classList.add('ai_checkbox');
// const checkbox = document.createElement('input');
// checkbox.setAttribute(`type`, `checkbox`);
// const checkboxlabel = document.createElement('label');
// checkboxlabel.innerText = 'AI opponent';
// checkboxCell.appendChild(checkboxlabel);
// checkboxlabel.appendChild(checkbox);
// document.querySelector('.grid_container').appendChild(checkboxCell);
//I made a button to finalise the creation
const createCharacters = document.createElement('button');
createCharacters.innerText = 'Create';
createCharacters.addEventListener('click', () => {this.makePlayers(p1Name.value, p1Symbol.value, p2Name.value, p2Symbol.value)});/*, checkbox.value*/
} else {
//If players are defined then skip
- This method creates an input screen for player data only if there is no stored data for players - I.E. there is an ongoing play session
- Commented out minimax contentas not finished
- On clicking the generated button the user calls the makePlayers method
- If the players are already defined, then nothing runs other than the setUpBoard function as players are already defined
makePlayers(p1name, p1symbol, p2name, p2symbol) {
/*, checkbox*/
//I do input checks here
if (p1name === '') {
p1name = 'Player One';
if (p1symbol === '') {
p1symbol = 'X';
if (p2name === '') {
p2name = 'Player Two';
if (p2symbol === '') {
p2symbol = 'O';
if (p1name === p2name) {
p1name = `${p1name} (Player One)`;
p2name = `${p2name} (Player Two)`;
if (p1symbol === p2symbol) {
p1symbol = `${p1symbol}1`;
p2symbol = `${p2symbol}2`;
// if (checkbox === 'on') {
// this.gameInfo.ai = true;
// }
//I set my values in local storage for reference
document.querySelector('.grid_container').innerHTML = '';
// localStorage.setItem('ai',JSON.stringify(this.gameInfo.ai));
//I assign the values to the players and call the setUp function
this.playerOne = new player(p1name, p1symbol);
this.playerTwo = new player(p2name, p2symbol);
const sfx = new Audio(`SFX/Game-SFX/mixkit-positive-interface-beep-221.wav`);
- makePlayers takes four parameters - all from the player input screen
- This function checks the user inputs before storing them in local storage and creating custom player classes with these parameters
- If the parameters do not pass input checking they are augmented to be either default values or have (Player _) or numb added
checkLoad() {
//This will run each time the board is set up
//It only runs if a game is in progress and a session has not been ended
try {
//I check to make sure a game is ongoing and only load turns and game position if the value is true
if (JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('gameOngoing')) === true) {
const cells = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cells'));
this.gameInfo.playerTurn.innerText = localStorage.getItem('playerTurn');
this.turns =JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('turns'));
Array.from(this.grid.childNodes).forEach((node, index) => {
node.innerText = cells[index];
//Then I load the rest of the stored information regardless
//this.gameInfo.ai = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('ai'));
this.playerOne.wins = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('oneWins'));
this.playerTwo.wins = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('twoWins'));
//This finds which player's turn it is
if (this.turns % 2 !== 0) {
this.gameInfo.playerTurn.innerText = `Turn: ${this.playerOne.name}`;
} else {
this.gameInfo.playerTurn.innerText = `Turn: ${this.playerTwo.name}`;
//This corrects null values to zero values
if (this.playerOne.wins === null) {
this.playerOne.wins = 0;
if (this.playerTwo.wins === null) {
this.playerTwo.wins = 0;
//This refreshes the wincount to accurately reflect the status of the loaded game
this.gameInfo.winCount.innerText = `${this.playerOne.name}: ${this.playerOne.wins} | ${this.playerTwo.name}: ${this.playerTwo.wins}`;
} catch(err) {
//If there is an error then I get an error message
//I used this during testing
- This method will load all data in local storage
- If the game is not ongoing then the game state is not loaded
- The try catch was used in testing
setUpBoard() {
//This function sets up the board
//First I set the game info to display which player's turn it is and the overall score
this.gameInfo.playerTurn.innerText = `Turn: ${this.playerOne.name}`;
this.gameInfo.winCount.innerText = `${this.playerOne.name}: ${this.playerOne.wins} | ${this.playerTwo.name}: ${this.playerTwo.wins}`;
//I set grid to the container I set up in my html file
this.grid = document.querySelector('.grid_container');
//I populate the grid here, adding appropriate tags as I go (using the for loops)
for (let rows=1;rows<4;rows++) {
for (let columns=1;columns<4;columns++) {
const cell = document.createElement(`div`);
//I add an event listener that gives players to oppurtunity to make moves
cell.addEventListener(`click`, () => {this.getPlayerTurn(event)});
//Then I append the cell to the grid
- This method sets up the game grid and assigns all event listeners
- It adds row and column classes to each cell for identification, alongside a grid_cell class for css styling
- After the grid is fully constructed, the checkload function is run
getPlayerTurn(event) {
//I get the initial value of the target
const initialTargetValue = event.target.innerText;
//I check which player's turn it is
if (`Turn: ${this.playerOne.name}` === this.gameInfo.playerTurn.innerText) {
//I call player one's turn method
//I get the new value of the target cell
const targetValue = event.target.innerText;
//If the player has been allowed to change the contents of the target cell, advance to the next go. Otherwise, the player takes their go again
if (initialTargetValue !== targetValue) {
this.gameInfo.playerTurn.innerText = `Turn: ${this.playerTwo.name}`;
// if (this.gameInfo.ai === true) {
// this.playerTwo.aiTurn(event, this.grid);
// this.gameInfo.playerTurn.innerText = `Turn: ${this.playerOne.name}`;
// }
} else if (`Turn: ${this.playerTwo.name}` === this.gameInfo.playerTurn.innerText) {
const targetValue = event.target.innerText;
if (initialTargetValue !== targetValue) {
this.gameInfo.playerTurn.innerText = `Turn: ${this.playerOne.name}`;
//I check fro gameOver conditions
const isGameOver = this.gameOver();
//If the game is not over then add a turn and continue on as normal
if (isGameOver !== true) {
this.turns += 1;
const cells = Array.from(this.grid.childNodes).map(node => {
return node.innerText;
window.localStorage.setItem('cells', JSON.stringify(cells));
window.localStorage.setItem('turns', JSON.stringify(this.turns));
window.localStorage.setItem('oneWins', JSON.stringify(this.playerOne.wins));
window.localStorage.setItem('twoWins', JSON.stringify(this.playerTwo.wins));
window.localStorage.setItem('playerTurn', this.gameInfo.playerTurn.innerText);
window.localStorage.setItem('gameOngoing', JSON.stringify(this.gameInfo.gameOngoing));
// console.log(localStorage.getItem('grid'));
// console.log(this.grid);
} else {
//Otherwise, go to the endscreen method
this.gameInfo.gameOngoing = false;
window.localStorage.setItem('gameOngoing', JSON.stringify(this.gameInfo.gameOngoing));
window.localStorage.setItem('oneWins', JSON.stringify(this.playerOne.wins));
window.localStorage.setItem('twoWins', JSON.stringify(this.playerTwo.wins));
- This method checks which player's turn it is
- To verify that are value in a cell is changed during the player's turn, the cell's initial value and final value are checked
- The only way that the playerTurn attribute will change is if the two values are different
- Then I check the gameOver function to view if the game is finished
- Depending on whether the returned value is true or false, different values are stored and updated
- If the game is over then the endscreen function is called
//This function checks for all conditions that can cause a game over
gameOver() {
//I set up an array that I will use in conjunction with my array methods
let columnsRows = ['column', 'row'];
//I set a constant to be a list of all of the grid's cells
const cells = Array.from(this.grid.childNodes);
//I iterate this for loop twixe, first to go through columns and second to go through rows
for (let i=0;i<2;i++) {
//Now I set j=1 to that I do not need to worry about manipulating the value of j when using it. j<4 so that the loop iterates three times
for (let j=1;j<4;j++) {
//Each iteration I filter the cells list to get a specific row or column
const getGroup = cells.filter(columnOrRow => columnOrRow.classList.contains(`${columnsRows[i]}${j}`));
//I check if the column or row contains only X or O
if (getGroup[0].innerText === getGroup[1].innerText && getGroup[1].innerText === getGroup[2].innerText && getGroup[0].innerText !== '') {
//Then I check for the player that won using the number of turns that have occured thusfar
//Then a player specific method called winner is called
//after the function runs, I exit the function
if (this.turns % 2 !== 0) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
//This checks the diagonals for a win and then uses turns to determine a player
if ((cells[0].innerText === cells[4].innerText && cells[8].innerText === cells[4].innerText && cells[4].innerText !== '') || (cells[2].innerText === cells[4].innerText && cells[6].innerText === cells[4].innerText && cells[4].innerText !== '')) {
if (this.turns % 2 !== 0) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
} else if(this.turns === 9) {
//This checks the number of turns to determine if the game has resulted in a tie
//If so it launches a tie method
return true;
- This function will check whether the game is won or tied
- If the game is won or tied, then the winner or tie function will be called and true will be returned
winner(player) {
//This gets rid of all the childnodes in grid
this.grid.innerHTML = '';
//I create a new div for the win message and set it up
const winMessage = document.createElement(`div`);
winMessage.innerText = `${player.name} wins!`;
//I append it to the grid
//I increment the winner's number of wins and update the gameinfo
player.wins += 1;
this.gameInfo.winCount.innerText = `${this.playerOne.name}: ${this.playerOne.wins} | ${this.playerTwo.name}: ${this.playerTwo.wins}`;
//Getting an sfx from a filepath in the project and playing it
const sfx = new Audio(`SFX/End-SFX/SFX1.wav`);
- This method erases all grid childNodes
- Then it displays a win message for the player passed as a parameter
- The specified player's wins are incremented and the winCount is updated
- In addition, audio is played that signifies a win
tie() {
//Same as wins, but a different message and I do not update the gameinfo
this.grid.innerHTML = '';
const tieMessage = document.createElement(`div`);
tieMessage.innerText = `It's a tie!`;
//Getting an sfx from a filepath in the project and playing it
const sfx = new Audio(`SFX/End-SFX/SFX1.wav`);
- This function acts like the win function, except not player is specified as no player data is required for a tie
- The same sound effect as the win is played
endScreen() {
//I set a timeout to allow players to read the win or tie message
setTimeout(() => {
//I empty the grid html again
this.grid.innerHTML = '';
//I set up two new buttons and add event listeners
const playAgain = document.createElement(`button`);
playAgain.innerText = `Play again`;
playAgain.addEventListener(`click`, () => this.newGame(this.grid));
const end = document.createElement(`button`);
end.innerText = `End game`;
end.addEventListener(`click`, () => this.endSession(this.grid));
//I append them to the grid
}, 5000)
- This function runs after gameOver returns true
- It has a five second delay to allow players to view the winor tie message for an appropriate amount of time
- This function empties the grid html and creates two buttons
- The play again button has an event listener that calls the newGame method, which starts a new game with the same players
- The end button has an event listener that calls the endSession method that clears the local storage to allow for a new session to occure
newGame(grid) {
//This function resets some values not covered by the setUpBoard method and then calls it, for a fresh game (retaining the number of wins)
this.turns = 1;
grid.innerHTML = '';
const sfx = new Audio(`SFX/Game-SFX/mixkit-arcade-game-jump-coin-216.wav`);
- This method takes grid as a parameter so that it can clear the grid's html for a new game setup
- It also plays a sound effect onclick
endSession(grid) {
//Empties the grid and adds a thanks message - this is the final tab as the player ends their session
this.playerOne = undefined;
this.playerTwo = undefined;
grid.innerHTML = '';
const thankYou = document.createElement('div');
thankYou.innerText = `Thanks for playing!`;
//User can start fresh by clicking this button
const newSession = document.createElement('button');
newSession.innerHTML = `<a class = 'link_container' target = '_self'>Start new session</a>`;
newSession.addEventListener('click', this.playAudioMove);
//I get rid of the playerturn gameinfo as it is irrelevant now
this.gameInfo.playerTurn.innerText = '';
const sfx = new Audio(`SFX/Game-SFX/mixkit-arcade-game-jump-coin-216.wav`);
- This method takes grid as a parameter for the same reason as newGame
- This clears the local storage and erases player dadta
- Then it creates a thanks for playing screen with a button for starting a new session
- This method plays a sound effect when run
- The button gets an event listener for a function called playAudioMove
playAudioMove() {
const sfx = new Audio(`SFX/Game-SFX/mixkit-positive-interface-beep-221.wav`);
window.open('game.html', '_self');
- This method plays a sound effect and opens game.html in the same tab
constructor(name, symbol) {
this.name = name;
this.symbol = symbol;
this.wins = 0;
//this.score = 0;
- This is the player's name
- This is the symbol that the player uses in tic-tac-toe
- keeps track of the number of wins the player has
turn(event) {
if (event.target.innerText === '') {
//Setting the target cell to be the player's associated symbol
event.target.innerText = this.symbol;
//Getting an sfx from a filepath in the project and playing it
const sfx = new Audio(`SFX/Game-SFX/SFX1.wav`);
- This method sets the event.target to the player's symbol only if the event target's innerText is blank (prevents overwritting)
- Then a sound effect is played on a succesful turn (if the symbol is set)
aiTurn(event,grid) {
localStorage.setItem('score', JSON.stringify(this.score));
const cells = Array.from(grid.childNodes).map(node => {
const winningIndex = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8],[0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8],[0,4,8],[2,4,6]];
- This is commented out in my actual code
- I wanted to write my own minimax algorithm and think I have found a way to make it fit
- The plan for this and the commented out ai lines was to create an alternate path for functions to take if an ai checkbox was ticked (this would be visible during the player info input screen)
- If the opponent was an AI (i.e. gameInfo.ai = true) then the minimax would run, playing optimal and unbeatable moves