Huduki is a comprehensive MERN web application that connects users with special offers from various dining and drinking establishments. It provides a seamless experience for both users and restaurant owners, featuring real-time offer displays, dynamic search capabilities, and coupon generation. Built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js), Huduki ensures a secure and interactive experience. This is a website that I solely built as part of an unpaid internship this summer.
Clone the repo
git clone
Go to the required directory
cd Huduki-Find-Best-Offers
Install frontend dependencies
npm install
Open a new terminal and Install backend dependencies
cd backend
npm install
Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add your google maps API key and Razorpay key id. You can use the provided SampleENV.txt file as a template:
cp SampleENV.txt .env
Create a .env file in the backend directory of the project and the required sensitive information. You can use the provided sampleENV.txt file as a template:
cp sampleENV.txt .env
Launch the server
nodemon index.js
Launch the frontend
npm start
Make sure mongo DB server is running on your localhost and listening on the default port 27017.
- Trending Offers: View a carousel of trending offers from various bars, pubs, and restaurants.
- Location-Based Search: Enter a location and specify a radius to find restaurants with offers in the vicinity.
- Restaurant Details: Click on a restaurant to view detailed information, including an embedded Google Maps view.
- Coupon Generation: Generate coupons for additional discounts. Track usage to monitor the business generated through the app. Securely verify the validity of the coupons after logging in.
- Secure Authentication: User and restaurant authentication with secure login registration and membership renewal processes.
- Payment Integration: Seamless payment for restaurant registration through Razorpay.
- Email Notifications: Automated email notifications using Nodemailer for password recovery and registration details.
- MERN Stack: Utilizes MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js to provide a full-stack solution.
- Node.js & Express: Backend services including authentication, restaurant management and finding restaurants within a certain radius.
- MongoDB: Stores user data, restaurant information, payments, and coupons.
- React: Frontend framework for a responsive and dynamic user interface.
- Google Maps API: Embedded maps for displaying restaurant locations.
- Nodemailer: Handles email notifications for user and restaurant communication.
- Razorpay: Integrated payment gateway for handling restaurant registration fees.
- Multer: Used for handling file uploads to the backend.
- PDF Generation: Backend functionality for generating PDFs for registration and membership renewal invoices.