This .json file provides a list of abbreviations commonly used to refer to different classes and specializations in a game. These abbreviations are often used by players to communicate more efficiently. Here is the list:
- Blood: "血DK", "DKT"
- Frost: "冰DK", "BDK"
- Unholy: "XDK", "邪DK"
- Havoc: "DH", "浩劫", "浩劫DH"
- Vengeance: "DHT", "复仇"
- Balance: "鸟德", "鸡", "咕咕", "鹌鹑", "GG"
- Feral: "野德", "猫德", "猫", "YD", "猫"
- Guardian: "熊德", "熊T", "屁股", "XD", "大屁股", "XT", "PG"
- Restoration: "奶德"
- Devastation: "湮灭", "龙DPS", "LDPS"
- Preservation: "龙乃", "龙奶", "LN"
- Augmentation: "增辉", "ZH"
- Beast Mastery: "兽王", "野兽", "SW", "SWL"
- Marksmanship: "射击", "SJ", "SJL"
- Survival: "生存猎", "生存", "SC", "SCL"
- Arcane: "奥法", "AF"
- Fire: "火法", "HF"
- Frost: "冰法", "BF"
- Brewmaster: "酒仙", "JX"
- Mistweaver: "奶僧"
- Windwalker: "踏风", "风僧", "风行", "TF"
- Holy: "奶骑", "NQ"
- Protection: "防骑", "FQ"
- Retribution: "惩戒", "CJ", "惩戒骑"
- Discipline: "戒律", "JL", "戒律牧", "JLM"
- Holy: "神牧", "白色汁液", "SM"
- Shadow: "暗牧", "AM"
- Assassination: "刺杀", "CS", "刺杀贼", "CSZ"
- Outlaw: "狂徒", "KT", "狂徒贼", "KTZ"
- Subtlety: "敏锐", "MR", "敏锐贼", "MRZ"
- Elemental: "元素", "YS", "元素萨", "元素萨满", "YSS"
- Enhancement: "增强", "ZQ", "增强萨", "增强萨满", "ZQS"
- Restoration: "奶萨", "奶萨满"
- Affliction: "痛苦", "TK", "痛苦术", "TKS"
- Demonology: "恶魔", "EM", "恶魔术", "EMS"
- Destruction: "毁灭", "HM", "毁灭术", "HMS"
- Arms: "武器战", "WQ", "WQZ"
- Fury: "狂暴战", "KB", "KBZ"
- Protection: "防战", "FZ"
These abbreviations can be used to quickly refer to specific classes and specializations in discussions, team compositions, or strategy guides related to the game.