It is an implementation of MVC--Encapsuled (
This Model-View-Controller in PHP is based on a developement initated in 2012 with IP-Formation Lyon
I have added some feature in the page controller:
you can add css in a template by the PHP array: $stylesCSS
you can add external js script at the top by the PHP array: $topExternalJS
you can add internal js script at the top by the PHP array: $topScriptJS
you can add external js script at the bottom by the PHP array: $bottomExternalJS
you can add internal js script at the bottom by the PHP array: $bottomScriptJS
some metadesc can be modified by passing PHP variables: DateCreation by $dateCreation DateRevision by $dateRevision Author by $auteur Description by $metaDesc Encoding by $encodage
the title of the html page can be modified by the PHP variable $title
So the new features are:
- translation from the browser-language
- mobile and desk different output from the browser