Welcome to my portfolio project! This project serves as a showcase of my skills, stacks, projects and even my contact as a software engineer/developer. Whether you're a potential employer, collaborator, or just curious about my work, you've come to the right place.
This portfolio project is a personal website that provides insights about myself, showcases my projects, and offers a way to contact me. Here's a brief overview of what you can expect:
About: A section where I introduce myself, my background, and my career goals.
Stack: A list of technologies that I have used or learnt during my journey.
Project: A portfolio of my past and ongoing projects. Each project includes a description, images/screenshots, and a link to the live project or its repository on GitHub.
Resume: You can download my up-to-date resume/CV to get a comprehensive view of my skills and experiences.
Contact: A way to reach out to me, whether it's for a job opportunity, a collaboration, or just to say hello.
Interactive components: It includes interactive elements like hover effects, click-to-download resume, and smooth transistion.
Easy navigation: The navigation menu allows users to quickly jump to different sections of the portfolio.
Dynamic content: The projects section is dynamically generated based on data, making it easy to update and expand as needed.
Auto-deployment: This future ensures that the latest version of my project is automatically deployed and made accessible to users without manual intervention.
Auto Deployment: I'm working on implementing an automatic deployment process to ensure that the latest version of my portfolio is always available without manual updates.Completed on 13/09/2023 -
AWS Deployment: Deploying to one of the best cloud service available would definitely increase the availability of the app while improving the system infrastructure.
Page-to-Page Animation: I plan to add smooth animations when transitioning between different pages or sections of the portfolio, enhancing the overall user experience.
Responsive Design Enhancements: While the portfolio is already responsive, I'll be making further improvements to ensure optimal viewing on all devices and screen sizes.
Database Integration: I'm in the process of integrating a database to store and manage data for my projects and other portfolio content. This will streamline content updates and improve data management.
Please stay tuned for these upcoming features that will enhance the functionality and aesthetics of my portfolio.
There's no need to install anything to view my portfolio. You can access it directly by visiting here.
Feel free to explore my portfolio and get to know me better. Here are some tips for navigating the site:
Click on the navigation links at the top to jump to specific sections.
Download my resume/CV from the "Resume" section if you're interested in my qualifications.
If you'd like to get in touch, use the contact form or the provided email address.
My portfolio project was built using a variety of technologies, including but not limited to:
HTML5 and CSS3 for the structure and styling of the website.
JavaScript for interactive features and smooth scrolling.
React for responsive design and layout components.
GitHub Pages for hosting the website.
More will be added!