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Affaway edited this page Oct 11, 2020 · 2 revisions

AFFA Wiki: Home Page

A word from the develop team for Affaway Entrprises and BETA Communications

Welcome to the hello-world wiki!

This is to be the begining of Affaway Entrprises code learning endevour and to further our reseadch and development within tbe relm of Computer Science

More specifically it will charter to the mission and intentons of ita subsidary bodies known as BETA Communications ( VA assitance to edlery and the non-tech savvy) and as a means to bring awareness to its non-profit organization called The Affa-Way.

A charitable/ Nonprof:501(c)(3) in its infancy and severly delayed as result of recebt global events. Pleae let us knkw how we can help bearing in mind that the still self educating in computre science, medicine, business, finance, general law, socio-econimcs, polotics and finance. Any assitance is greatly needed and appreciated. Thank you inadvance for all that you do. Its always an open door policy.

All are welcome because we believe an Egalitarian mindset is of utmost importance.

Warmly, Patrick Loyd ( CEO and Tech Lead)

(Apologies for the typos. Will fix at later date due to tech difficulty with leanring LG os along with keybord settings and secuirty)

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