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PHP MVC Framework That Porting Some Of [C# Core] Features, philosophies To PHP

Hi , Please Notice : This Framework is just a small piece of BanMvc framework I will publish it soon which will contains

Most of Core Features , by using Annotations instead of C# Attribute Syntax , Both BanMvc and BanMvcZero , Have zero Dependency every thing built from the ground including annotation system

So What BanMvcZero Exactly is

This is a Simple Porting for some of core features With MVC Design Paradigm


  • Everything can customize including : project directory structure

  • Supports Routing Via On Of the next paradigms or all can customize the order of resolving

    • Area System

      • Area
        • Models : AreaModelBase
        • Views
          • View Customization Files _layout
        • Controllers : AreaControllerBase
        • Area Customization File
          • general layout
            • can be overridden by Views layout
            • Will override general project layout if this exists
          • defaults configurations
    • Controller System

      • Controllers : ControllerBase

        • Actions methods
          • auto map parameters only ordered parameters , query param only supported in BanMvc not Zero version
          • auto invoke any user defined class from method vi IoC System
          • load models from action or with controller constructor
            • it's more efficient to load models only if you need it in action
      • Models : ModelBase

      • Views

        • View Customization Files _layout
    • Pages System

      • Resolve Pages Structure and map it to url
    • Notice

      • complex url mapping eg /Customers/{custooerID}/Payment/{prs}/buy/34?role=22&rec=PLV not supported in Zero
        • required abstract layer around the project : so we implement it on BanMvc project with annotations
      • All config files eg , _defaults.php, _layout.php are based on Most Nearest Match MNM looping behaviour
        • so if our system start from areas => controllers => pages and we we locate customers controller, the resolver will use _defaults.php from Customers Directory instead of _defaults.php in Areas Directory, and the same for view
          • just remember the main _layout.php located at views.dir Also you must know, due to MNM if config file removed from Areas/Controllers level, then the resolver will use config files from Areas Level, if not exists, then from base site level eg, views/_layout.php So it is a reversed hierarchy system
  • DI System : The Implementation of IoC , core/Ioc/Container.php

    • Please Notice : Since very high limitation level in PHP connection system philosophy we can not implement All IoC features of core Container DI System because of php delegate request/server/connection controlling to out of the box servers eg. apache without any ability to access it even with CGI porting solutions, So we can not do any controlling on per-request features of core at all But we implement wrapper around new APC storage system of PHP So we can now register the singletons for all connections .

    • Features

      • As any IoC system : registering any with interface or with the same type direct implementation

      • Multiple Implementations

        • For Direct Invocation behaviour : we used first match paradigm so the first registered implementation will used
        • You can still get all implementations
        • You can specific any implementation of multiple implementations with any type eg, Wide Application Singleton {server}
        • You can use any features available when you register single implementation
      • Ability to pass default named parameters to pass it to constructors with instantiation

      • Ability to use factory to resolve/create new instance at runtime

        • The main purpose of implementing this features to solve static singleton design paradigm problem since it's considered as an anti pattern , so when using factory pattern around it you can easily mocking it within testing by changing the factory or provide it with pre complex test environment configurations
      • Invoke Method of object

        • With Resolving all method dependencies
        • With Mapping inputs => parameters : for pararmeters that container will not resolve eg, premitive types
      • Available Registration Systems

        • Normal : REG_TYPE_NORMAL
          • Create new instance with every request
        • Singleton Lazy : REG_TYPE_SINGLETON
          • Request type singleton : one instance per request
          • This Singleton is lazy , so will be initiated only with the most first request after building the container
          • The Best for performance and memory usage
        • Singleton Non Lazy : REG_TYPE_NON_LAZY_SINGLETON
          • Singleton but will be initiated while building the container
        • Application Singleton Lazy : REG_TYPE_APPLICATION_SINGLETON
          • Share the same instance across all connections : No notification system due to php limitations
        • Application Singleton Non Lazy : REG_TYPE_NON_LAZY_APPLICATION_SINGLETON
        • Factory : REG_TYPE_FACTORY
          • We Explained it
    • Final Notes Technical

      • The Main purposes of implementing IoC design principle :
      • For Development :
        • Support Liskov substitution principle/ability for unit testing
        • Escape From Constructor new keyword hell
        • provide dynamic renovation
      • For Runtime
        • Provide lightweight and efficient flexible system , by resolving , building type maps once and then use it every where
          • The Problem : here is the most confusing problem for php developers Since php handler controller server eg, appahce will run single instance for every request so we need to build the type tree again and again , so it's not efficient at all to use dynamic tree building paradigms with PHP And the most elegant solution is to use a static analysis system to solve this problem
            • SSS : means for every change in project hierarchy we will execute script to go through our project and resolve all types , locations , then register it in php syntax in file in our project Then at runtime the project will load it and store it in the memory
              • some developers hat this behaviour , but if you will use php in High performance environment it's ever will not be my choice you must use static analysis or delegating routing system to any abstraction layer eg, c/c++ server to work as a proxy between php and it's handler i dont prefer this solution since it's will not pay for its complexity [Not in PHP use cases]
  • DataBase Supporting

    • The Zero version does not aims to support ORM Solutions So : there is only one wrapper class around PDO of php to enable providing it into DI system of this project This class at database/PdoDatabase.php

    • BanMvc will support ORM Solution

Project Structure

  • core : Contains All Project Core
  • public : Contains your site start point & public resources
    • we route every thing via index.php as a proxy to CoresProvider because of php does not support routing its delegate routing to hosting server we can not get the same performance of core.... or any other routing systems we need the delay between server and php instance
  • site : Your site
    • Take a look at register.php
    • Also you must provide Secrets.php or name it what you want in core/config/config.php
      • This file should contains all secret keys : so we can not provide it to VCS
      • This Must Contains Next Constants to use PdoDatabase class , like next example
        define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
        define('DB_USER', 'root');
        define('DB_PASS', 'Pa$$w0rd');
        define('DB_NAME', 'database');
  • All .htaccess files
    • used to configure routing system start point for apache server
    • file public/.htaccess
      • you must change RewriteBase /BanMVC/public to RewriteBase /your/public
        • so configure it to your project relative path from the server/handler
  • To use this project : just take a tour at site/ and public/ to understand how to use it

  • To Develop it or for deep understanding go with core/

  • For BanMvc name : its just a funny name i combine first part of may family name with MVC

    • Osama Al Banna => [Osama] {Al = The : in arabic} [{Ban}na] Mvc :)
  • Please Notice: PHP does not first class oop language so neither [we/nor any one] can force developers to go with specific paradigm and language design itself force us to wrap functional behaviour with oop containers but this may leads to un necessary level of complexity , so you may find us in core/Helpers/* use functions with namespaces to support our oop system so this should not make you confuse about the system , its is the PHP oriented design patter spaghetti IMHO


Core Mapping[For Test] Part Of PHP BanMvc Framework






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