With Code Metrics Extractor you can see project health overview, classes health overview and bad methods.
You must install
CodeMetrics Extractor.
MetricsExtractor.exe (-s | --solution) <solution>
MetricsExtractor.exe -s <solution> [-ip <ignoredProjects>]
MetricsExtractor.exe -s <solution> [-in <ignoredNamespaces>]
MetricsExtractor.exe -s <solution> [-it <ignoredTypes>]
MetricsExtractor.exe -s <solution> [-ip <ignoredProjects>] [-in <ignoredNamespaces>] [-it <ignoredTypes>]
MetricsExtractor.exe -s <solution> [-jsonconfig <jsonfileconfig>]
-s --solution Load projects from solution.
-ip <ignoredProjects> --ignoredprojects <ignoredProjects> Projets in solution that you want to ignore, split them by "";""
-in <ignoredNamespaces> --ignorednamespaces <ignoredNamespaces> Namespaces in your application that you want to ignore, split them by "";""
-it <ignoredTypes> --ignoredtypes <ignoredTypes> Types in your application that you want to ignore, split them by "";""
-jsonconfig <jsonfileconfig> User a json file to configure metrics extraction