WARNING: A work in progress currently.
A re-implementation of Python's turtle module, with some improvements.
Main improvements are:
- timed-based animation model, turtles move same speed regardless of CPU speeds
- animation in separate engine for easier use in game/simulation loops
- faster maths, including C acceleration
- unit tests and cleaner design for further extending
- pluggable output rendering:
- builtin Tk renderer reuses stdlib's turtle renderer
- companion library Turgles provides fast OpenGL renderer
- stdout renderer for debugging
- can be headless for pure simulation
Other renderering backends: svg, gif, network
python 2.6/2.7/3.2/3.3/PyPy
On linux systems, you may need to install python-tk as well.
If you want to use the Turgles OpenGL renderer (encouraged), then you'll need to install that also. See http://github.com/AllTheWayDown/turgles for details
Currently there are two demo programs that create a single turtle. To run, use
python -i tk_demo.py
python -i gl_demo.py
You then have a python prompt with a turtle t
that you can control as normal.
e.g. t.forward(100), t.left(90), etc