a simple wrapper to use Facenet model to extract embeddings of a face image this is a simple class wrapper for face embedding extraction using the famous Facenet model, the model used here is the frozen graph trained by @davidsandberg big thanks for his brilliant work.
the intent of this repository is to make face recognition very easy to use in projects. it works with TensorFlow 2 and TensorFlow 1.x can be used with GPU or CPU without modification.
1- clone repo, copy files to your project.
2- import wrapper class
from recognizer_facenet import FaceRecognizerFaceNet
3- create an instance and load the model
recognizer = FaceRecognizerFaceNet()
4- extract 512 face features that can be used for face recognition, face identification ...etc
embedding = recognizer.extract_features(image)
note: you can extract features for a batch of images with one pass since the input shape is [n,?,?,3]
5- clean your model to save space
you can check test.py file for complete example.
TensorFlow 2, or you can just use TensorFlow 1.x by changing import line in recognizer_facenet, because we use tensorflow.compat.v1 NumPy
have fun !!