The following steps will ensure your project is cloned properly.
git clone [email protected]:AlmuraDev/Almura.git
cd Almura
cp scripts/pre-commit .git/hooks
Note: If you do not have Gradle installed then use ./gradlew for Unix systems or Git Bash and gradlew.bat for Windows systems in place of any 'gradle' command.
For IntelliJ
- Run
gradle generateDatabaseClasses
- Run
gradle setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies
- Make sure you have the Gradle plugin enabled (File > Settings > Plugins).
- Click File > Import Module and select the build.gradle file for Almura.
- On the import screen, uncheck
Create separate module per source set
Note: If you do not have Gradle installed then use ./gradlew for Unix systems or Git Bash and gradlew.bat for Windows systems in place of any 'gradle' command.
In order to build Almura you simply need to run the gradle
command. You can find the compiled JAR files in ./build/libs
but in most cases you'll only need 'almura-x.x-xxxx-rx.x.jar'.
Note 1: The following is aimed to help you setup run configurations for Eclipse and IntelliJ. If you do not want to be able to run Almura directly from your IDE then you can skip this.
Note 2: For more information regarding VM options or program arguments for Mixin, visit
For Eclipse
- Go to Run > Run Configurations.
- Right-click Java Application and select New.
- Set the current project.
- Set the name as
Almura (Client)
and apply the information for Client below. - Repeat step 1 through 4, then set the name as
Almura (Server)
and apply the information for Server below.
5a. When launching the server for the first time, it will shutdown by itself. You will need to modify the to set onlinemode=false and modify the eula.txt to set eula=true (this means you agree to the Mojang EULA, if you do not wish to do this then you cannot run the server).
For IntelliJ
- Go to Run > Edit Configurations.
- Click the green + button and select Application.
- Set the name as
Almura (Client)
and apply the information for Client below. - Repeat step 2 and set the name as
Almura (Server)
and apply the information for Server below.
4a. When launching the server for the first time, it will shutdown by itself. You will need to modify the to set onlinemode=false and modify the eula.txt to set eula=true (this means you agree to the Mojang EULA, if you do not wish to do this then you cannot run the server).
Property | Value |
Main class | GradleStart |
VM options | -Xincgc -Xms1024M -Xmx2048M -Dfml.coreMods.load=com.almuradev.almura.AlmuraLoadingPlugin, |
Program arguments | --noCoreSearch |
Working directory | ./run (Included in project) |
Module classpath | Almura (IntelliJ Only) |
Property | Value |
Main class | GradleStartServer |
VM options | -Xincgc -Xms1024M -Xmx2048M -Dfml.coreMods.load=com.almuradev.almura.AlmuraLoadingPlugin, |
Program arguments | --noCoreSearch |
Working directory | ./run (Included in project) |
Module classpath | Almura (IntelliJ Only) |
Advanced Logging -> Program Arguments: -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/path/to/log4j2.xml
Disable Stupid Gradle Daemon: [run this in cmd.exe] (if not exist "%USERPROFILE%/.gradle" mkdir "%USERPROFILE%/.gradle") && (echo. >> "%USERPROFILE%/.gradle/" && echo org.gradle.daemon=false >> "%USERPROFILE%/.gradle/")
- Note; make sure IntelliJ is set to use itself for Compiling and not Gradle. File > Settings > Build and run using, Run tests using.