Subject: Web and Social Media Scraping
University of Warsaw, Data Science and Business Analytics Master's Degree Program in Faculty of Economic Sciences
We have designed mechanisms which scrap the most active stocks of yahoo finance
using beautifulsoup
, scrapy
and selenium
separately. The three methods all achieve the same information. The scraped data output is later analysed,
enabling us to compare the results.
Our way of working has a perfect collaborative and proper work on GitHub. There is a general project repository and
project developed by cloning the forked project in our accounts from the main repository and creating pull requests
with descriptive commit messages. You can track the commit history to observe how this project developed in here.
Please find project requirements for packages inside the requirements.txt
. Dependencies for creating
virtual environment
described below.
Furthermore, there is a Makefile
created into the repository and processes mentioned below handled automatically:
- Creating virtual environment,
- Installing required packages from requirements.txt file,
- Clean virtual environment.
For the BeautifulSoup part of this project, in addition to other libraries BeautifulSoup library was used.
Another python library, requests
, gets the html of the webpage at url
which is later parsed by BeautifulSoup.\
The webpage has a table with 24 rows and numerous columns. Every row has the symbol attribute,
which is later used finding the links to the company’s yahoo-finance page.
"" + symbol + "?p=" + symbol
For every link defined in such a way, first the html copy of the page via the link is requested and then parsed.
The variables such as Previous Close
, Open
, etc are distributed among two tables: table 1 and table 2.
Within their respective tables, every variable is specified by data-test
allowing us to specify and extract a variable of interest one at a time.\
The extracted values are appended to already created lists, finally making up a dataframe with the variable names
as column headers and the values as a column vector. The dataframe is exported to the csv
file stocks_bs.csv.
To run the
file on the command line, use the command
# for python3 users
…. : ~<project_root>$ python3
# for python2 users
…. : ~<project_root>$ python
You may as well run the file using your favorite python IDE.
For the purpose of scraping Yahoo Finance web page, we also used Scrapy framework. The process could be divided
into two parts:
1.Scraping the links for each of the Most Active
2.Scraping data for each of the companies.
Links creation happens similarity to the Beautiful Soup and Selenium part of the project.
The links are created by adding to a base link the ending specified for each company.
To extract them, we used selectors, specifically XPATH.\
The scrapping happens with the use of spiders, first spider
is created for the purpose of extracting the links,
and the second one
to get the data dor each company.
Spiders are basically a programs downloading the content of a given pages, they are using a parse function
which is called when the URL is crawled and it includes the extraction logic.
As not all the information about the companies could be extracted using the same xpath, we used two diffrent xpaths.
The data in our project is stored in a csv
files. This is specified by the FEED_FORMAT = 'csv'.
What is important to note is that, to run the spiders,\
USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +' has to be used in
To run the code provided please follow steps below:
- In the terminal write: “ scrapy start project Scraping_Stock_Prices (the name can be different)”
- Paste spiders provided into the spiders folder created by scrapy.
- In the file “” change the USER AGENT.
- In the terminal execute the command: scrapy crawl link_lists -o link_list.csv.
- Then execute: scrapy crawl stocks -o stocks.csv
- Take a look at the stocks.csv if the data is scrapped.
For selenium scraper, a driver for Mozilla Firefox
was used. Python script is using command line arguments
to get input from the users. There are 3
command lines arguments in the python script.
Flag (--watchlist): This flag is a
boolean variable
, it isnot required
and its default value isFalse
Aim of this flag is to give opportunity to scrape data from user’s own watchlist in yahoo finance website.
For this purpose, users should have a favourite list with aMy Watchlist
name that stores their favourite companies.
Thanks to this list, users are able to monitor stock price information about their favourite companies easily.
If users have a list named My Watchlist in yahoo finance page, they are able to input this flag asTrue
Thanks to this flag, selenium proceeds the scraping mechanism starting with alogin
process and going into a favourite list named My Watchlist.
Furthermore,- Selenium bot opens every single company link in this favourite list one by one in a new tab
- Scrape data inside the new tab
- Save scraped data into a dictionary of lists
- Close new tab
- Open another company page in a new tab… This process continue till the last company data scraped and
saved into the dictionary. After that, selenium bot terminates itself and scraped data in dictionary converted
pandas dataframe
, finally all scraped data is saved into acsv
file into the project root directory.
Flag (--email): This flag is used for
scraping mechanism. --email flag isnot required
and its default value isNone
. This is another opportunity for users who want toinput email addresses
before selenium bot start. Thanks to this, users can input their email address safely and get the output faster. -
Flag (--passwd): This flag is used for
scraping mechanism. --passwd flag isnot required
and its default value isNone
. This is another opportunity for users who want toinput passwords
before selenium starts. Thanks to this, users can input their password safely and get the output faster than input during selenium running.
Please mind, --watchlist
, --email
and --passed
flags are not required
to scrape data.
If users do not prefer to scrape data from watchlist
, the program automatically proceeds the same process to
scrape data from Stocks:Most Active
page under the Markets tab
Here is the correct way of flag usage to scrape data from “My Watchlist” list:
# Regular Scraper for Stocks: Most Active page.
…. : ~<project_root>$ python3
# Optional Scraper for favourite list named “My Watchlist”
…. : ~<project_root>$ python3 --watchlist True --email “[email protected]” --passwd “abcdef123.”
(Please mind, if users prefer a different name for a favourite company list
name, they can only hardcode
the name of the list into a python script. Secondly, users are able to optimize the sleep times
based on
their computer capacity. Because, response times may vary for different computers. So, if you have no output from,
the Selenium scraper
, please update the sleep times inside the python script by hand.)
For all “Beautiful Soup”, “Scrapy” and “Selenium” scrapers, scraped data from the yahoo finance page is
stored in a csv
file. Schema
for all scraper output is exactly the same in each other.
There are 16 columns
in the output file.
Please observe a sample table for scraped data from every single company in the Stocks: Most Actives
(or My Watchlist
, if --watchlist is True
for selenium) below.
Company names
, and the values
inside the features in the output file may be different for all scrapers,
because output depends on:
The time
when scraper scripts run and generate the output file,The domain
(may different county domains used),Values
inside the table that scrapers scrape data (if values have different type or tag/class name inside the html, scraper may pass this company).
As a result of the points above, it is not guaranteed that every single output file generated from scrapers will be the same,
because yahoo finance is a dynamic website
. On the other hand, it is guaranteed that every single output file
generated from the scrapers have exactly the same output schema based on the features that mentioned above.
All scrapers scrape the same information but not the same value. So this situation is not contradicted by the
project goal that All scrapers should scrape the same information from the domain of your choice
Aim of this elementary data analysis is to show collected data can be used for further
analysis, but nothing more detailed.
The number of companies is limited to 5 for clearer presentation.
Please find some additional statistical analysis from the output file below.
Task | Contributors |
Beautiful Soup | Tesfahun |
Scrapy | Anna |
Selenium | Alparslan |
Github | Tesfahun, Anna, Alparslan |
Project Report | Tesfahun, Anna, Alparslan |
Python 3.9.0
was used to develop for this project. Please mind, python version before you create virtual environment
You can find the required python packages and their versions inrequirements.txt
Thanks toMakefile
, you can create a virtual environment, install required packages and delete virtual environment automatically. If you do not want to use virtual environment, then you should install required packages in your base python interpreter.
- make
creates python virtual environment.- make
install required packages.- make
delete venv file.
You can simply run the code like as follows from command line:
## For linux, you need to update the makefile commands compatible for linux environment.
...@...:project_root$ make venv
...@...:project_root$ make require
...@...:project_root$ python3
...@...:project_root$ python3
project_root> make venv
project_root> make require
project_root> python
project_root> python
If you face problem about creating virtual environment from Makefile
, you can create virtual environment manually and
install packages from requirements.txt