Internship Projects
Task 1 - "To-do list"
A To-Do List application is a useful project that helps users manage and organize their tasks efficiently. This project is an application using Python, allowing users to create, update, and track their to-do lists.
Task 2 - "Calculator"
This project is a simple calculator with basic arithmetic operations.
Task 3 - "Password Generator"
A password generator is a useful tool that generates strong and random passwords for users. This project is a password generator application using Python, allowing users to specify the length of the password. With user's input, it generates a passwordand displays it on the screen.
Task 4 - "Rock-Paper-Scissors Game"
This project is a basic Rock-Paper-Scissor game. It prompt the user to choose and generates a random choice for the computer. It determines the winner based on the choices and displays the result. It also keeps track of the user's and computer's scores for multiple rounds.