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This repository allows you to apply name entity recognition and topic detection on the parliamentary data.


Name entity recognition

Run the name entity recognition on the data file.The file should contain a column 'contenu' with the text, a column 'intervenant_nom' and a column 'intervenant_fonction' with respectively the name of the speaker and its fonction. You can chose between the algorithm spacy and stanza. Stanza takes longer than Spacy but it is more efficient to recognize names.

python ner stanza data_file

Name entity recognition statitics

From the results of the NER, create a file with 4 columns data_file+algo+'_statistiques':

  • 'last' : last token of the NE that we count -'longest' : longest NE contaning this last token
  • 'personnes' : all the NE having this last token
  • 'count' : sum of number of occurrences of the NE in personnes
python frequencies_ner stanza data_file

Then to visualize the results in a histogram you can use xsv :

xsv map 'val("last_name")' field data_file_stanza_statistiques.csv | xsv sort -s count -N | xsv hist --label longest --value count

To get the enunciates of the questions for each 'sous section'

To then do the topic detection on the data file, you should first do this :

python enunciate data_file demo

demo is the name template, you should use the same for the topic detection. This creates a file with the list of the 'sous section' and the enunciate of the question for each 'sous section'.

Topic recognition results and visualization

Create a file with for each line of the data file its associated topic, a file with the list of the 'sous section' associated to a topic, and a visualisation of the topics. You can specify if it is not the first time using this data file with this command with '--first_time', and the execution will be faster. You can specify if you want to visualize only the questions with "--questions_only". You can specify if you want to use the labels of the topics defined with the dataset nosdeputes-questions_orales_220620-230723.csv with the parameter '--use_labels'.

 python topics_recognition data_file demo --questions_only 

List of the topics for each question/sous section

From the results of the command topics_recognition, create a file with for each sous section, its associated topics.

 python topics_question demo 


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