This example app demonstrates the new multiple-instances possibilities of Pd/libpd.
- a basic "audio.pd" patch runs as usual with ofxPd.
- a basic "gui.pd" patch runs on a secondary thread, and builds a GUI interface using Pof.
The gui patch controls the frequency and the volume of the oscillator contained in the audio patch.
The GUI also proposes to "hang" the gui thread, by asking the gui Pd instance to compute the value of log(2) 10 million times; this would normally freeze the audio stream during about a second: you can test the normal one-thread behaviour by opening "0EditMaster.pd" with Pd.
This example should build as any other OF app.
To build and run it on the terminal:
make run
Optionally, you can build the example with Codeblocks : open the exampleStandalone.cbp and hit F9 to build.
Open the XCode project and run.
You should be able to generate the project files with the help of OF's projectGenerator.
exampleStandalone {-inchannels IN} {-outchannels OUT} {-hidecursor}