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Experiments with MKLDNN, pytorch, and Charliecloud containers on the cluster

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How to Run Containers on the Intel Cluster

This repository describes my personal experience porting my deep learning experiments from a single node machine (with GPUs) to the Intel cluster (CPU only).

The objective is simple. Using a single machine, shared with other users, I can only launch a limited amount of models concurrently. Despite the computational power of the GPU, large hyperparameter selections are expensive, running up to a couple of weeks for my most experiments. Using the cluster, we can run the training of each deep learning model in parallel, with several instances of the same script running on different compute nodes of the cluster, each one on different hyperparameter's configurations. This approach does not require complex communication between the jobs or communication between compute nodes since each configuration runs on a single node. Therefore, it's quite easy to implement. For large models, you may be interested in distributed training. In this case, you can look up horovod, a deep learning library that allows you to easily scale to multiple nodes.

In order to run our python script, the operating system must have a set of scientific libraries installed. Different users may require different version of the libraries, possibly incompatible between them. Since installing and managing all the dependencies on the cluster machines would be unfeasible, we will encapsulate the dependencies inside a Charliecloud container, a container designed for HPC systems.


The process of porting the experiment is articulated in 4 steps:

  • export of your python environment
  • creation of a charliecloud image
  • creation of a slurm submission script
  • scheduling of parallel jobs on the cluster with slurm

Creation of a Charliecloud Container

To create a container to run you python scripts, you must export your python environment. This will allow to easily install your dependencies inside the container. You can use the command:

    conda list -e > requirements.txt

Using the requirements, we can create a Dockerfile, which will be used to create our container and install the relevant dependencies. The Dockerfile is based on the Anaconda Docker image.

    FROM continuumio/miniconda3
    ADD requirements.txt /requirements.txt
    RUN conda install python=3.8
    RUN conda install --file requirements.txt
    RUN conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
    RUN pip install fbpca
    WORKDIR /home/carta

Notice that despite having all the environment saved in the requirements.txt file. I had some problems during the installation and therefore I had to install pytorch separately after the other libraries.

The next step is the creation of the Charliecloud container from the Dockerfile. In my case, the container is called antonio/base

    ch-build -t antonio/base --network=host .
    ch-builder2tar antonio/base .
    ch-tar2dir ./antonio.base.tar.gz .        

A script to build the charliecloud image is available in that you can run with the command:


For some (unknown) reasons, Charliecloud ignores the ENV directives defined in your Dockerfile. If you want to define additional environment variables for your container you can create an environment file that defines your custom variables. This file must be passed as an argument when running the container, as we will see below. In my case, I added to the PYTHONPATH the folder where my python library resides in a separate config.env file:


You probably don't need to do this. Now we can easily run our python script inside the container with the command

    ch-run --set-env=config.env 
        --cd=/home/carta/hpc2019_experiments antonio.lmn 
        /opt/conda/bin/python /home/carta/repo/


  • --cd changes the directory
  • --set-env set the environment variables

The container executed with ch-run is running on the head node. Don't use the head to run long jobs. You should use it only to launch your jobs on the compute nodes.

Scheduling Jobs on the Cluster

The schedule multiple jobs across the compute nodes we use slurm, that will take care of the allocation of the resources in a fair way for all the concurrent jobs.

To do this, we need to create a submission script, which will be run by slurm:

    #SBATCH --job-name=/home/carta/docker_repo/docker_latest/test
    #SBATCH --output=test.txt
    #SBATCH --nodes=1
    #SBATCH --array=1-8

    ch-run --set-env=config.env 
        --cd=/home/carta/docker_repo antonio.lmn 
        /opt/conda/bin/python /home/carta/repo/ 
        -- --id=$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID

There are a couple of things to notice about the submission script:

  • Comments prefixed by #SBATCH are used to pass options to the sbatch command. You can read more about sbatch options on the manual.
  • The use of job arrays to easily manage all the jobs together. This submission script schedule 8 jobs (--array=1-8).
  • Specification of the resources for each job (--nodes=1).
  • The argument $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID, set by slurm to match the job id. In this case it is directly passed to the python script, which will use it to change the model's configuration.

To submit the jobs to the scheduler, you must run the command


You can check the status of your job with squeue, where you should see a list of your jobs in execution.

What's happening here? slurm 8 containers in 8 separate nodes. The container will use the id argument to change their configuration appropriately and run completely independent of each other. Notice that each container is taking the entire node exclusively. If you need less resources be sure to adjust your submission script and check with squeue that slurm is giving only the necessary amount of resources.

Distributed Execution with Ray

The previous approach is extremely simple and allows you to run large hyperparameter searches on the cluster with minimal changes to your code. However, you may need a more complex approach. Ray is a python library that provides simple primitives for running distributed applications. Many libraries are built on top of Ray for traditional ML workloads such as model selection (Ray Tune) or reinforcement learning (RLLib). Ray can be used on the cluster with charliecloud, as shown in the examples available in ray/container:

  • Dockerfile installs ray on a container.
  • creates the charliecloud image from the Dockerfile
  • is the submission script for multinode experiments.
  • is the Python script executed with that shows basic Ray functionality.

Submission Script

The submission script in the examples directory performs the following steps:

  • start ray head node
  • start each worker separately
  • start the main script

You have to make only a couple of minimal changes to adapt the script to your job:

  • change job-name to give it a significative name.
  • set #SBATCH --nodes slurm argument to the number of desired nodes + 1 for the head node.
  • set worker_num to the number of worker nodes (which must be #SBATCH --nodes - 1).
  • set WORKDIR and PY_MAIN to the working directory and main script, respectively.

#SBATCH --job-name=test
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=5
#SBATCH --nodes=3
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node 1

worker_num=2 # Must be one less that the total number of nodes


You can run the submission script with the command sbatch

Main Script

Inside the main script, Ray must be initialized with the IP address of the head node and the redis password, which are saved into appropriate environment variables by the submission script:

    ray.init(address=os.environ["ip_head"], redis_password=os.environ["redis_password"])

Remote functions are defined by adding a ray.remote decorator to the function's definition. ray.remote takes as additional values the number of requested resources (num_cpus, num_gpus). However, Ray does not enforce exclusive access to the resources, i.e. each remote function can use all the cores available to its worker node. The programmer is responsible for the resource management.

def f():
    print(f"Inside a remote function")

Remote function can be called asynchronously with the remote method, which immediately returns a handle (a Future value):

remote_id = f.remote() 

The return value can be obtained with the ray.get method, which waits until the remote function returns a value.


Resource management in pytorch can be done with the methods torch.get_num_threads() and torch.set_num_threads(). They must be called before any computation. Since ray does not enforce resource management, these methods are fundamental to ensure that each remote function is using the correct amount of resources.


If you have any problems you can:

  • Try to run without containers to check if charliecloud is causing the issue.
  • Check the number of used cores with ssh c03 and then running htop inside the worker node, where c03 is the node you are using (you can find it with squeue).
  • Check the number of pytorch threads with torch.get_num_threads() and torch.set_num_threads().

Final Notes

I hope you will find this helpful to start running your own experiments on the cluster. This document should give you a headstart. Using the steps described here and the official documentation it should be easy enough to adapt the submission scripts to your own use case.

Useful Links

These are some resources that you may find useful:


Experiments with MKLDNN, pytorch, and Charliecloud containers on the cluster






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