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Documentation Conditions

UltimaOath edited this page Oct 25, 2022 · 7 revisions
This page was last updated for LevelledMobs 3.8.1 b718


These represent the many various checks available against an entity before any Strategies or Apply-Settings are applied. NOTICE: Your default rules.yml file may not include every potential condition, strategy, or apply-settings, so check the wiki regularly for any new updates!

You can refer to the 'last updated' message above to know when this page was last altered.

  apply-above-y: 62
  apply-below-y: 62
  chance: 1.0
  maxLevel: 50
  minLevel: 1
  max-distance-from-spawn: 100
  min-distance-from-spawn: 100
  mob-customname-status: EITHER
  mob-tamed-status: EITHER
  stop-processing: true

    ECO_BOSSES: false
    MYTHIC_MOBS: false
    ELITE_MOBS: false
    ELITE_MOBS_NPCS: false
    INFERNAL_MOBS: false
    CITIZENS: false
    SHOPKEEPERS: false
    SIMPLE_PETS: false
Config Line Option Description
These particular config options are specifically checking for a level AFTER LM has calculated the level of the entity.
Example: a transforming entity, such as a zombie villager to a regular zombie; or for applying use-droptable-id: to entities based on their level or other conditions within the Rules system rather than the CustomDrops system.
chance: This represents the percent chance of a Custom Rule occurring. It will otherwise be skipped.
Example: setting chance: 0.5 would result in a 50% chance.
stop-processing: This represents a forced stop on the processing of the queued stack of Custom Rules. Once a rule has trigged which contains this config line option, it will prevent any future Custom Rules from being processed.
These config options represent a check against whether an entity has a set CustomName or has been tamed:
NOT_SPECIFIED - The Default status, essentially not checked or utilized
EITHER - The entity's CustomName or tamed status does not matter
NAMETAGGED / TAMED - The entity needs to have a CustomName or be tamed
NOT_NAMETAGGED / NOT_TAMED - The entity needs to NOT have a CustomName or NOT be tamed
worlds: A MODALLIST config option; this represents a check against the world where the entity spawned.
This checks whether the entity is above or below a specific Y coordinate.
world-time-tick: A MODALLIST config option; this represents a check against the current time of day in the world, represented by ticks. A 24 hour day in Minecraft is represented by a world-tick value between 0-24000. You can get a better sense of the time of by by referencing this link.
This checks whether the entity is within a specific minimum or maximum distance from the spawn coordinates.
allowed-worldguard-regions: A MODALLIST config option; this represents a check against the WorldGuard region where the entity spawned.
allowed-spawn-reasons: A MODALLIST config option; this represents a check against possible spawn reason flags.
You can reference the SpigotMC javadocs regarding CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason for the different options.
custom-names: A MODALLIST config option; this represents a check against an entity's CustomName when a level is freshly applied, presuming it has one.
entities: A MODALLIST config option; this represents the entities which the Custom Rule would apply to.
biomes: A MODALLIST config option; this represents a check against the biome where the entity spawned.
mythicmobs-internal-names: A MODALLIST config option; this represents a check against the internal names for MythicMob's custom mobs.
NOTE: We have experienced several reported issues with establishing compatibility with MM5 specifically. We are awaiting a solution from the MM team. In the meantime, we would recommend sticking with versions of MM prior to 5.0.0 until this is resolved.
apply-plugins: A MODALLIST config option; this represents a check against whether the spawned entity came from an internally supported plugin.
level-plugins: Functions in a similar fashion to apply-plugins: above, utilizing a different format used in Default Rules for convenience (though they are interchangeable).
scoreboard-tags: A MODALLIST config option; if a mob contains scoreboard tags, you can use this to include or exclude them.
spawner-names: A MODALLIST config option; this represents a check against the name of the LM Spawner which created the entity.
permission: A MODALLIST config option; this represents a check against the nearest player to the entity, OR the player who killed an entity, depending on it's implementation. All permissions as registered as levelledmobs.permission.<node>, where <node> represents the value of this config. For example, if your permission was, you would configure it as such: permission: ['vip'].
cooldown-duration: When configured and the rule is utilized, it will effectively disable the rule until the cooldown time expires.
cooldown-limit: When a cooldown-duration: is configured, this is the number of times the rule must be executed before it becomes disabled for a time.
start- end-
This system allows you set the start- and end- coordinates to define a region within your world to apply a rule within. You can just specify a single axis to mark a single point or line; specify two axis to make a square along those two axis; or specify three to make a cuboid region. You can also place '-' or '+' as the end- of any coordinate and it will go from the start- value to infinity in the direction specified. Finally, if you specify a start- but do not specify an end-, then the end- will be the same value as the start-; and vice versa.

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