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Documentation messages.yml

UltimaOath edited this page Aug 15, 2021 · 6 revisions
This page was last updated for LevelledMobs 3.1.1 b481

Messages Configuration


LevelledMobs' messages.yml file allows you to customise all of the chat messages that are sent from the plugin.


LevelledMobs allows you to include a bunch of different placeholders in your messages. Placeholders look like %this% and are replaced when the message is sent to players.


Most placeholders only work in certain messages.

Usually, if a placeholder is not included in a message by default, it will not be processed in it.

For this reason, you may find it useful to reference the default messages.yml file if you are unsure which placeholders are supported in one or more messages in the file.

For example, you will not be able to use the %supportedVersions% placeholder in the 'no permission' message.


Config Line Option Description
%prefix% The prefix LevelledMobs uses before any messages sent via the plugin.
%player% The name of the player who the event is directed towards.
%label% The main command alias used when running LM's commands.
Example: /lm or /levelledmobs
%amount% The input value of the event.
%entityType% The EntityType value of the event.
%level% The level of the entity from the event being processed.
%summonType% The input value of the summon EntityType
%entity% The nametag, CustomName, or default name value of the entity being processed.
%x% %y% %z% These three tags report back the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the event.
%world% The value of the world name where the event took place.
%targetUsername% The username of the target of the event.
%targetDisplayname% The displayname of the target of the event.
%maxAmount% Returns the value of the Summon Command Limiter from settings.yml.
%minLevel% %%maxLevel% Returns the minLevel and maxLevel value present during the processed event.
%killed% Returns the number of entities which were killed during the processed event.
%skipped% Returns the number of entities which were skipped during a LM kill event.
%radius% The input value of the radius used in LM's summon command.
%minRadius% %maxRadius% Returns the minimum and maximum radius value.
%version% Returns the current version of LM, formatted LM X.Y.Z b000, where X.Y.Z represents the release version and b000 represents the actual build number.
%description% Returns the internal LM description text.
%supportedVersions% Returns the internal LM supported version text.
%contributors% Returns the internal LM contributors list text.
%incompatibilities% Returns the internal LM incompatibilities text.
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