Expands Minecraft's musical playing capabilities
- Run the game once to generate a few files needed. You will need config/musicexpansion/records.json
- Open the newly created file in a text editor
- Set allrecords to true if you wish to allow the record maker to make all music discs.
- In the records array, put a new string per record you wish to be added i.e ["record1", "record2"]
- Put the PNG texture file in the same folder with the same file name as the added record i.e record1.png
- OGG files must be MONO not STEREO for them to play in line with Vanilla, FFMPEG works well for this.
- Setup an en_us.json file to give the disc's descriptions. Key format is as follows "item.musicexpansionexternal.record1.desc": "Record 1 Desc"
- Launch and try out your discs in game