An enthusiast in computer science, AI, ML, Data Science and blah and blah...anything that excites me
📜 I’m currently pursing B.Tech in Sreenidhi Institute Of Science And Technology
🔭 I’m currently learning Data science, Machine Learning, NLP
🤝 I’m looking to collaborate on projects in the field of Datascience, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Web3 and pretty much anything
💬 Ask me about Python, Data Science, Machine Learning .
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
certified for -- Data Science For Engineers
certified for -- Ethical Hacking
certified for -- Python For DataScience
certified for -- AI Search Methods
certified for -- Intro To ML
certified for -- Fundamentals Of UX Design
certified for -- Data Analyst with Python
certified for -- Data Scientist with Python
certified for -- Data Scientist Professional with Python
certified for -- Intro To Deep Learning
certified for -- Geo Spatial Analysis
certified for -- Computer Vision