A Dictionary implemented with Trie data structure using C++
In order to run this program, you must be on a Windows system. You must also have a C++ compiler (Like the MSYS2 compiler) installed. You can find the steps to install MSYS2 here
Here we can see a few screenshots of the working of the dictionary program. We can see the program searching for a word, adding a word along with its meaning and also deleting a word.
Loading Screen
This is the loading screen of the program. (Note: The program doesn't really need loading time but implementing this seemed an interesting idea)
Main Menu
This is the home screen or main menu of the program. From here we can select any of the listed options.
Word Search
Here we have searched for the word 'the'. The search was successful and the program has also shown the suggested words after searching.
Delete Word
Here, we have tried to delete the word 'hello'. However, as this word did not exist in the database, the deletion procedure fails.
Add Word
Here, we successfully add the word hello along with its meaning to our database. We can check if the word has been added properly by searching for it again as follows:
- Go into 'Program' folder and run the dictionary.exe file