This release implements two new ACE features and brings minor improvements.
- New in ACE 6.7: Support for the exponentiation operator ^ in arithmetical expressions,
e.g. "2^3^4", which is parsed as (2^3)^4. - New in ACE 6.7: Support for how many/how much queries, which ask for numbers of
countable nouns or for amounts of mass or measurement nouns,
e.g. "How many beaches have how much sand?" - APE can now translate ACE texts into the RuleML format.
- The coverage of the ACE-to-OWL translator has been improved.
- The dependencies of the Java Interface for APE on external libraries are now managed using Maven.
- The large Clex lexicon (~100,000 entries) was migrated to a separate repository Attempto/Clex.
As before, the APE source distribution contains a reduced (~2000 entries) version of this lexicon.