A python library that implements a fasta / multi-fasta parser with some useful features.
Michele Berselli, [email protected]
To use the library simply import fasta_parser
into your code.
The library implements the objects FastaHandler and FastaSequence.
The FastaHandler is an object that stores the fasta sequences as FastaSequence objects.
Initialize the object with handler = fasta_parser.FastaHandler()
Different methods can be used to parse the fasta file:
parse( inputfile ) method parses inputfile and saves the fasta sequences as string of characters.
parse_binary( inputfile ) method parses inputfile and saves the fasta sequences with a binary encoding to reduce memory usage (two bits per base). Requires sequences containing only canonical bases A, C, G, T.
parse_generator( inputfile ) method parses inpufile and creates a generator of the sequences, each iteration returns a tuple in the form (header, sequence).
IT = handler.parse_generator('inputfile.fas')
To access the stored sequences differrent methods can be used:
iter_sequences( ) method creates a generator of the stored sequences, each iteration returns a FastaSequence object.
IT = handler.iter_sequences()
get_sequences( ) method returns the list of the stored sequences as a list of FastaSequence objects.
write_sequences( fo, [max_char_per_line] ) method writes the sequences in fasta format to buffer (fo) using a maximum (max_char_per_line) number of characters per line.
handler.write_sequences(fo, [max])
The FastaSequence is an object that stores the information for a fasta sequence. Contains the header of the sequence and the sequence itself. The sequence can be stored as a string of charachters or as a bitarray that represents the binary encoding for the sequence (two bits per character).
Initialize the object with sequence = fasta_parser.FastaHandler.FastaSequence(header, sequence)
get_header( ) method returns the header for the sequence (without >).
get_sequence( ) method returns the sequence as a string of characters.
get_bitarray( ) metod returns the sequence as binary encoded in a bitarray object. Requires that the sequence is stored as a bitarray.
write_sequence( fo, [max_char_per_line] ) method writes the sequence in fasta format to buffer (fo) using a maximum (max_char_per_line) number of characters per line.
sequence.write_sequence(fo, [max])
bitarray library is required