Developed for BTE Germany
- /cover -> Covers all gray and light gray glass with cyan terracotta and gray wool
- /lidar [save] -> Regens a region and pastes the surface block before the regen
- /terraform [Height] -> Terraforms a region
- //side [Block-ID] [Block-ID] [Direction(n,o,s,w)] -> Replaces blocks like worldedit with < but sideways
- /speed [1-5]
- /bteg server 1,2,5 restart [seconds,empty] -> Restarts server with countdown (needs bungeecord expansion)
- Custom Join-/Leave Message
- Block Bedrock users to join this server
- Forces gamemode for visitors and builders
- bteg.builder -> There is only this one permission node for every builder/trial. All others will be set to spectator.
- bteg.cover
- bteg.restart
- bteg.lidar
- bteg.terraform
- bteg.side
- bteg.speed
- WorldEdit
If you need help with this plugin, DM Leander#2813 on Discord.