#Cloud Gateway
- Mania Abdi
- Rahul Bahal
- Qianli Ma
- Ayush Singh
# On the VM you wannan use as VCG of provate cloud
# clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/BU-NU-CLOUD-SP16/cloud-gateway.git
# initialize environment
cd cloud-gateway
sudo ./bin/initialize.sh
You will need to configure you hybird cloud setting in ./config/config.yaml
, here's an example configuration
KeyPair: "N Viginia"
HqPublicIp : ""
HqPrivateIp : ""
HqCidr : ""
VpcCidr : ""
PublicCidr : ""
PrivateCidr : ""
VcgIp : ""
VcgServicePort : "6432"
InstanceType : "t2.micro"
# This should be the ubuntu AMI id in default region
ImageId : "ami-fce3c696"
IpsecConfigPath : "/home/ubuntu/ipsec/"