Translation files for Android app 'Open in Whatsapp'
You can provide your own translations or improve current ones, either by a pull request or sending me the files by email. Also please agree with the following points:
- You are doing this for free. I can't pay you anything.
- You will be credited in the acknowledgements section (both on the app and in the play store) with the name provided in the files (header section). However if you prefer a different name or you prefer not to be credited at all just say so.
- If I update the app and change strings, I'll consider removing the translation (if it is very different) or keep the translated with the untranslated strings mixed, until a translation update is provided (by the same or different person).
I'll try to update the app as soon as possible, feel free to send me an email with any questions [correo--correo+appOIWt (at) hotmail (dot) com].
You can not use any of this files, totally or parcially, on your own app.