const { CommandBuilder } = require('@bambusgamer/toolbox');
module.exports = new CommandBuilder({
slash: {
data: (client, modules) => ({
name: '',
name_localizations: {},
type: 1,
description: '',
description_localizations: {},
options: [],
default_member_permissions: [],
dm_permission: false,
nsfw: false,
async autocomplete(client, modules, interaction) { },
async callback(client, modules, interaction) { },
text: {
data: (client, modules) => ({
name: '',
aliases: [],
category: '',
permissions: [],
description: '',
usage: '',
example: [],
dm_permission: false,
async callback(client, modules, message) {},
const { EventBuilder } = require('@bambusgamer/toolbox');
module.exports = new EventBuilder({
name: 'ready',
once: true,
listener: '',
async callback(client, modules) { },
const { InteractionBuilder } = require('@bambusgamer/toolbox');
module.exports = new InteractionBuilder({
customId: '',
async callback(client, modules, interaction) { },
const { Anticrash } = require('@bambusgamer/toolbox');
Loads a .js or .json file
const { Config } = require('@bambusgamer/toolbox');
const config = new Config('');
// reload
const { Handler } = require('@bambusgamer/toolbox');
const handler = new Handler({
paths: {
commands: '',
events: '',
interactions: '',
restToken: '',
// reload
const { Localizer } = require('@bambusgamer/toolbox');
const localizer = new Localizer('');
// get key in default Language
localizer.getDefault('key', ...placeholders);
// get key in all Languages
localizer.getAll('key', ...placeholders);
// get key in Language
localizer.get('en-US', 'key', ...placeholders);
module.exports = {
defaultLanguage: 'en-US',
languages: ['en-US'],
strings: {
'en-US': {
'key': 'value {{1}}',
const { Logger } = require('@bambusgamer/toolbox');
new Logger('');
const { Mongoose } = require('@bambusgamer/toolbox');
"reactions": [
"count": 1,
"me": false,
"emoji": {
"id": null,
"name": "🔥"
"attachments": [],
"tts": false,
"embeds": [],
"timestamp": "2017-07-11T17:27:07.299000+00:00",
"mention_everyone": false,
"id": "334385199974967042",
"pinned": false,
"edited_timestamp": null,
"author": {
"username": "Mason",
"discriminator": "9999",
"id": "53908099506183680",
"avatar": "a_bab14f271d565501444b2ca3be944b25"
"mention_roles": [],
"content": "Supa Hot",
"channel_id": "290926798999357250",
"mentions": [],
"type": 0
- Chat_input
- User
- Message
"locale": "localized"
Option types:
- Sub_Command
- Sub_Command_Group
- String
- Integer (Any integer between -2^53 and 2^53)
- Boolean
- User
- Channel (Includes all channel types + categories)
- Role
- Mentionable (Includes users and roles)
- Number (Any double between -2^53 and 2^53)
- Attachment
type: 1,
name: "command",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "befehl"},
description: "Does stuff",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Macht Dinge"},
options: [
type: 2,
name: "subcommandGroup",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "unterbefehlgruppe"},
description: "Does stuff",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Macht Dinge"},
options: [
type: 1,
name: "subcommand",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "unterbefehl"},
description: "Does stuff",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Macht Dinge"},
options: [
type: 3,
name: "string",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "zeichenkette"},
description: "Does stuff",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Macht Dinge"},
min_length: 0,
max_length: 100,
required: true,
type: 3,
name: "stringSelect",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "zeichenketteauswahl"},
description: "Does stuff",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Macht Dinge"},
choices: [
name: "choice",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "auswahl"},
value: "value",
required: true,
type: 4,
name: "integer",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "ganzzahl"},
description: "Does stuff",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Macht Dinge"},
min_value: 0,
max_value: 100,
required: true,
type: 5,
name: "boolean",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "logisch"},
description: "Does stuff",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Macht Dinge"},
required: true,
type: 6,
name: "user",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "benutzer"},
description: "Does stuff",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Macht Dinge"},
required: true,
type: 7,
name: "channel",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "kanal"},
description: "Does stuff",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Macht Dinge"},
required: true,
type: 8,
name: "role",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "rolle"},
description: "Does stuff",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Macht Dinge"},
required: true,
type: 9,
name: "mentionable",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "erwähnbar"},
description: "Does stuff",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Macht Dinge"},
required: true,
type: 10,
name: "number",
name_localizations: {"de-DE": "zahl"},
description: "Does stuff",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Macht Dinge"},
min_value: 0,
max_value: 100,
required: true,
default_member_permissions: [],
dm_permission: false,
nsfw: false,
- Action Row
- Button
- String Select
- Text Input
- User Select
- Role Select
- Mentionable Select
- Channel Select
Button Styles:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Success
- Danger
- Link
Button emojis:
name: "emoji",
id: "emoji_id",
animated: true,
type: 1,
components: [
type: 2,
label: "Button",
label_localizations: {"de-DE": "Knopf"},
style: 1,
custom_id: "button",
type: 2,
label: "Link",
label_localizations: {"de-DE": "Link"},
style: 5,
url: "",
type: 2,
label: "Emoji",
label_localizations: {"de-DE": "Emoji"},
style: 1,
custom_id: "emoji",
emoji: {
name: "emoji",
id: "emoji_id",
animated: true,
type: 1,
components: [
type: 3,
placeholder: "Select",
placeholder_localizations: {"de-DE": "Auswählen"},
custom_id: "select",
options: [
label: "Option",
label_localizations: {"de-DE": "Auswahl"},
value: "value",
description: "Description",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Beschreibung"},
emoji: {
name: "emoji",
id: "emoji_id",
animated: true,
type: 1,
components: [
type: 5,
placeholder: "User",
placeholder_localizations: {"de-DE": "Benutzer"},
custom_id: "user",
Text Input Types:
- Short
- Paragraph
title: "Modal",
title_localizations: {"de-DE": "Modal"},
description: "Description",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Beschreibung"},
components: [
type: 1,
components: [
type: 4,
label: "Input",
placeholder: "Placeholder",
value: "Default Value",
custom_id: "input",
min_length: 0,
max_length: 100,
type: 1,
type: 1,
components: [
type: 3,
placeholder: "Select",
placeholder_localizations: {"de-DE": "Auswählen"},
custom_id: "select",
options: [
label: "Option",
label_localizations: {"de-DE": "Auswahl"},
value: "value",
description: "Description",
description_localizations: {"de-DE": "Beschreibung"},
emoji: {
name: "emoji",
id: "emoji_id",
animated: true,