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PuppyGit is A Git Client for Android, Open Source and No Ads and Free to use


PuppyGit made by Bandeapart1964 of catpuppyapp

PuppyGit is a free app though, but if it helpful to you, please consider star this project and/or Donate, it will help this project long live.

Demo Video:

Clone A Repo
Obisdian + PuppyGit
Markor + PuppyGit
Switch DarkMode and Chinese


Github Release

PuppyGit + Notes App = A Free Cross-platform Sync Way!

Not only sync codes, You can use PuppyGit sync your notes repository create by note-taking apps like: Obsidian / Markor or Other!


If your github/gitlab or other platforms account enabled 2fa, you may need create a personal access token instead your password

github create personal access token
gitlab create personal access token



  • fetch
  • merge
  • push
  • files explorer
  • simple file editor (only utf8 supported)
  • commit history (git log)
  • shallow clone
  • rebase
  • cherry-pick
  • patch
  • reflog
  • tags manage
  • stash manage
  • submodules manage

About ssh

Idk how support ssh on Android, so PuppyGit only support https for now, if you know how support ssh, please make a pr or give me some hints for that


import project to Android Studio, then build, that's all.


For reduce risk of password leak, Your passwords of git repos(e.g. github) are encrypted saved in PuppyGit's database on your device, the password of password encryptor is not open source for security reason, if you want build PuppyGit by yourself, you should update the password and version properly:

  • update EncryptorImpl.kt, set your password encryptor, or simple use default encryptor
  • set your encryptor version and password in PassEncryptHelper.kt, the password must enough to long and better don't make it be public

note: you should not change the passwords of old versions of password encryptors, if changed, when you upgrade app will can't decrypt the passwords encrypted by encryptor with old passwords, then all saved passwords on user device will be invalid, users must delete all credentials, then restart app, then re create credentials again.

Help translate

  1. Download strings.xml
  2. Translate the file's values to your language, e.g.<help>help translate</help>to<help>帮助翻译</help>
  3. Create a issue attaching the file you was translated, the issue should tell which language you traslated to

Then I'll add your language into PuppyGit in furthur version

*NOTE: the string in strings.xml like "ph_a3f241dc_NUMBER" are place holders, the last NUMBER is order, e.g. a string resource <str1>name: ph_a3f241dc_1, age: ph_a3f241dc_2</str1>, will replaced when running, it maybe will show as: "name: abc, age: 123", if you have mistake with the order number, e.g.<str1>name: ph_a3f241dc_2, age: ph_a3f241dc_1</str1>, it may cause app show wrong text like "name: 123, age: abc"

Comments in code

this project has many chinese comments, and some comments are out-of-date or nonsense, I have no plan clean them, but if you read the codes, and you wonder know some comments meaning, try translator or ask me is ok