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Adding support for Beam Confidential Asset

Anatol Sevostyan edited this page May 25, 2021 · 5 revisions

Adding support for Beam Confidential Asset


  1. In version 6.0 Beam supports Confidential Assets

  2. Each asset has an asset_id, 0 is for Beam and 1,2,3... for new Assets.

  3. A complete list of existing assets is here

  4. To enable assets add the following line to the wallet-api config file

  5. The following API calls have been updated to support assets:

    • wallet_status
    • tx_send
    • tx_split
  6. New API methods have been added

    • tx_asset_issue
    • tx_asset_consume
    • tx_asset_info
    • get_asset_info
    • calc_change

Confidential Assets

Confidential Assets (CA) are tokens mint on the Beam blockchain. Beam supports Confidential Assets since hard fork 2, but this feature had limited ability to be used in real life applications. Starting from the version 6.0 Beam Wallet adds ability to create smart contracts which make CA more usable and very important feature in Beam infrastructure. We already have API to work with CA, but it was disabled by default. If you wish to accept and create transactions with CA you should enable this feature in the wallet API and update your codebase to handle CA correctly.

Enable CA support

  • run new binary with --enable_assets. With this flag your wallet starts to accept transactions with Confidential Assets

    ./wallet-api --enable_assets -n <node address>

    or specify it in config file

  • to retrieve info about assets use wallet_status method, it will return an array of the info about assets in the wallet, including BEAM


        "id": 6,


      "id": 1236,
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "current_height": 112,
        "current_state_hash": "b9e8b868de60f28e553a1499a569f481991e4cff9fe2191d09d71a03c7708296",
        "difficulty": 378.36236572265625,
        "prev_state_hash": "3f84da0b0390deaca908603b6061867def987575a1af9311248ffb01503a0f02",
        "available": 303000000000,
        "receiving": 123,
        "sending": 0,
        "maturing": 8000000000,
        "locked": 30,
        "totals": [
            "asset_id": 0,
            "available": 303000000000,
            "available_str": "303000000000",
            "maturing": 8000000000,
            "maturing_str": "8000000000",
            "receiving": 123,
            "receiving_str": "123",
            "sending": 0,
            "sending_str": "0"
            "asset_id": 1,                    // <--------------- this could be used to send/split CA or to retrieve extended info
            "available": 2000000000,
            "available_str": "2000000000",
            "maturing": 0,
            "maturing_str": "0",
            "receiving": 0,
            "receiving_str": "0",
            "sending": 0,
            "sending_str": "0"
  • if you want to send or split CA you should specify "asset_id" in parameters


        "id": 2,
            "value": 12342342,
            "fee": 2,
            "from": "472e17b0419055ffee3b3813b98ae671579b0ac0dcd6f1a23b11a75ab148cc67",
            "address": "472e17b0419055ffee3b3813b98ae671579b0ac0dcd6f1a23b11a75ab148cc67",
            "comment": "thank you!",
            "asset_id": 1                   <------------------ NEW
  • if you want to get info about CA use


        "id": 2,
        "method": "tx_asset_info",
            "asset_id": 1


        "id": 2,
            "txId" : "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db"
  • after this transaction become completed, you can read CA info from the local database


        "id": 6,
        "method": "get_asset_info",
        "params" :
            "asset_id": 1
    • asset_id asset id to retrieve info about. Can be used for any asset even if you don't own it.


        "id": 1236,
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
            "asset_id": 1,
            "emission": 2000000000,
            "emission_str": "2000000000",
            "isOwned": 1,
            "lockHeight": 39,
            "metadata": "STD:N=NAME;SN=SNM;UN=UNIT;NTHUN=NTHUNIT",
            "ownerId": "0ae08a49e018e98177774294107dc033790b87538e54a20e99c6b98f1dbd39ce",
            "refreshHeight": 927

    Returns full asset info or error code.

    • asset_id asset id
    • metadata asset metadata
    • emission & emission_str total asset emission. Maximum asset emission is 2128-1. To ensure compatibility with JavaScript raw number returned only if it is less than or equal to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (253-1). If asset emission is greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER only corresponding string representation is returned.
    • isOwned is 1 if you own this asset
    • lockHeight last block when asset emission turned to/from 0.
    • refreshHeight block at which asset information has been received. Please note, that all returned fields are valid only for this and previous blocks. In next blocks emission might change, asset become unregistered &c. Use tx_asset_info to retrieve the most recent info.
  • For minting new asset coins use tx_asset_issue. You must own the asset and info about the asset should be in a local database. tx_asset_info to retrieve the latest asset info if necessary. Asset minting is free. You need to pay only regular transaction fee.


         "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
         "id": 2,
         "method": "tx_asset_issue", 
             "value": 6,
             "asset_id": 1
    • value how much asset to mint, in asset groth.
    • fee transaction fee in BEAM groth. Omit to use default fee.
    • asset_id asset id of the asset to mint.
    • txId optional, provide your own transaction ID.


         "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
         "id": 2,
             "txId" : "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db"

    Returns transaction id or error code.

  • to burn existing asset coins use tx_asset_consume. You must own the asset itself as well as asset coins to burn them. You cannot burn asset coins that belong to another wallet. Info about the asset should be in a local database.


         "id": 2,
             "value": 6,
             "asset_id": 1
    • value how much asset to burn, in asset groth.
    • fee transaction fee in BEAM groth, omit for a default fee.
    • asset_id id of the asset to consume.
    • txId optional, provide your own transaction ID


         "id": 2,
             "txId" : "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db"
      Returns transaction id or [error code](#Errors). 
  • if yoiu want to calculate the change amount for transaction use calc_change, it calculates the change value for given amount in for given asset_id


         "id": 4,
             "amount" : 1234,
             "asset_id": 2,
             "fee": 10000,
             "is_push_transaction": true


         "id": 4,
             "asset_change": 12,
             "asset_change_str": "12",
             "change": 12,
             "change_str": "12",
             "explicit_fee": 1100000,
             "explicit_fee_str": "1100000"


    • amount is a requested amount we are going to send
    • asset_id asset id of the requested amount
    • fee explicit fee in GROTHs chosen by the user
    • asset_change change amount for requested asset_id
    • change change in for BEAM. asset_change and change are equal if asset_id == 0, i.e. BEAM
    • explicit_fee the fee which should be used
    • is_push_transaction true if we are going to push transaction output into the shielded pool.
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