Python is a very powerful language and also very rich in libraries. Phonenumbers are one of the modules that provides numerous features like providing basic information about a phone number, validation of a phone number etc.
First use the below command to install required module.
pip install phonenumbers
Some of the use cases are, Get Timezone: Here is the simple Python program to get the timezone of a phone number using phonenumbers module. First, we do parse the string input to phonenumber format, and then we use an inbuilt function to get the timezone of a user. It gives the output for valid numbers only,so do check if there is no relevant output.
ex: timezone.time_zones_for_number(mobileNumber)
Carrier and Region of a Phone Number: Here we will learn how to find the carrier and region of a phone number using the geocoder and carrier functions of this module.Here we can choose multiple languages to display the result.
ex for carrier : carrier.name_for_number(mobileNumber, "en") ex for region: geocoder.description_for_number(mobileNumber, "hi")
Validation of a phone number: A simple python program, to check whether a given phone number is valid or not (e.g. it’s in an assigned exchange), and to check whether a given phone number is possible or not (e.g. it has the right number of digits).
ex: phonenumbers.is_valid_number (mobileNumber)
Test output:
Enter the mobile number with the country ID
Ex +129876543210
Reliance Jio
Valid cellular phone number: True
Checking possibility of Number : True