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funkydude committed Jul 5, 2024
1 parent f598dff commit 9fd9197
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Showing 15 changed files with 293 additions and 324 deletions.
49 changes: 30 additions & 19 deletions Bastion/Sinestra.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ local function isTargetableByOrb(unit, bossUnit)
-- check sinestra's target too
if bossUnit and mod:ThreatTarget(unit, bossUnit) then return false end
-- and maybe do a check for whelp targets
for k, v in pairs(whelpGUIDs) do
for k, v in next, whelpGUIDs do
local whelp = mod:GetUnitIdByGUID(k)
if whelp and mod:ThreatTarget(unit, whelp) then
return false
Expand All @@ -69,9 +69,8 @@ local function populateOrbList()

local function wipeWhelpList(resetWarning)
if resetWarning then orbWarned = nil end
whelpGUIDs = {}
local function ResetOrbWarning()
orbWarned = nil

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,6 +112,7 @@ function mod:OnBossEnable()

self:Log("SWING_DAMAGE", "WhelpWatcher", "*")
self:Log("SWING_MISSED", "WhelpWatcher", "*")
self:Death("TwilightWhelpDeaths", 47265, 48047, 48048, 48049, 48050) -- Twilight Whelp

self:Log("SPELL_CAST_START", "Breath", 90125)

Expand All @@ -127,14 +127,14 @@ function mod:OnBossEnable()

function mod:OnEngage()
self:CDBar(90125, 24) -- Slicer
self:CDBar(92852, 29) -- Breath
self:Bar("whelps", 16, L["whelps"], 69005) -- whelp like icon
self:ScheduleTimer("NextOrbSpawned", 29)
eggs = 0
self:RegisterUnitEvent("UNIT_HEALTH", "PhaseWarn", "boss1")
whelpGUIDs = {}
orbWarned = nil
eggs = 0
self:CDBar(90125, 23) -- Breath
self:CDBar(92852, 30) -- Slicer
self:Bar("whelps", 16, L["whelps"], 69005) -- whelp like icon
self:ScheduleTimer("NextOrbSpawned", 30)
self:RegisterUnitEvent("UNIT_HEALTH", "PhaseWarn", "boss1")

Expand All @@ -153,37 +153,48 @@ do
local mobId = self:MobId(args.sourceGUID)
if whelpIds[mobId] then
whelpGUIDs[args.sourceGUID] = true
mobId = self:MobId(args.destGUID)
if whelpIds[mobId] then
whelpGUIDs[args.destGUID] = true
function mod:TwilightWhelpDeaths(args)
whelpGUIDs[args.destGUID] = nil

local repeatCount = 0
function mod:OrbWarning(source)
-- this is why orbList can't be created by :NewTargetList
if orbList[1] then mod:PrimaryIcon(92852, orbList[1]) end
if orbList[2] then mod:SecondaryIcon(92852, orbList[2]) end

if source == "spawn" then
if #orbList > 0 then
mod:TargetsMessage(92852, "yellow", orbList, nil, L.slicer_message)
-- if we could guess orb targets lets wipe the whelpGUIDs in 5 sec
-- if not then we might as well just save them for next time
mod:ScheduleTimer(wipeWhelpList, 5) -- might need to adjust this
if #orbList == 1 and repeatCount == 0 then
repeatCount = 1
end, 1)
if orbOnMe then
self:PlaySound(92852, "warning")
repeatCount = repeatCount + 1
if repeatCount <= 3 then
if repeatCount <= 6 then
end, 1)
elseif source == "damage" then
mod:TargetsMessage(92852, "yellow", orbList, nil, L.slicer_message)
mod:ScheduleTimer(wipeWhelpList, 10, true) -- might need to adjust this
mod:SimpleTimer(ResetOrbWarning, 10) -- might need to adjust this
if orbOnMe then
self:PlaySound(92852, "warning")
Expand All @@ -194,11 +205,11 @@ end
-- need to change it once there is a proper trigger for orbs
function mod:NextOrbSpawned()
repeatCount = 0
self:CDBar(92852, 28)
self:CDBar(92852, 29)
self:MessageOld(92852, "blue")
self:ScheduleTimer("NextOrbSpawned", 28)
self:ScheduleTimer("NextOrbSpawned", 29)

function mod:OrbDamage()
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Blackwing/Atramedes.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ function mod:OnEngage()
self:OpenAltPower("altpower", self:SpellName(-3072)) -- "Sound"
self:OpenInfo(77611, "BigWigs: ".. CL.shield)
self:OpenInfo(77611, CL.other:format("BigWigs", CL.shield))
self:SetInfo(77611, 1, CL.remaining:format(10))
self:SetInfoBar(77611, 1, 1)
Expand Down
21 changes: 4 additions & 17 deletions Blackwing/Locales/deDE.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,21 +37,8 @@ end

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("Nefarian", "deDE")
if L then
L.phase = "Phasen"
L.phase_desc = "Warnt vor Phasenwechsel."

L.discharge_bar = "Blitzentladung"

L.phase_two_trigger = "Verfluchte Sterbliche! Ein solcher Umgang mit dem Eigentum anderer verlangt nach Gewalt!" -- check

L.phase_three_trigger = "Ich habe versucht, ein guter Gastgeber zu sein" -- check

L.crackle_trigger = "Elektrizität lässt die Luft knistern!" -- check
L.crackle_message = "Stromschlag bald!"

L.shadowblaze_trigger = "Fleisch wird zu Asche!" -- check

L.onyxia_power_message = "Überladung bald!"

L.chromatic_prototype = "Chromatischer Prototyp"
L.discharge = "Blitzentladung"
L.stage3_yell_trigger = "Ich habe versucht, ein guter Gastgeber zu sein" -- check
L.shadowblaze_yell_trigger = "Fleisch wird zu Asche!" -- check
--L.too_close = "Dragons are too close"
21 changes: 4 additions & 17 deletions Blackwing/Locales/esES.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,21 +37,8 @@ end

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("Nefarian", "esES")
if L then
L.phase = "Fases"
L.phase_desc = "Avisa los cambios de fase."

L.discharge_bar = "Descarga"

L.phase_two_trigger = "¡Os maldigo, mortales! ¡Ese cruel menosprecio por las posesiones de uno debe ser castigado con fuerza extrema!"

L.phase_three_trigger = "He intentado ser un buen anfitrión"

L.crackle_trigger = "¡El aire crepita cargado de electricidad!"
L.crackle_message = "¡Electrocutar pronto!"

--L.shadowblaze_trigger = "Flesh turns to ash!"

L.onyxia_power_message = "¡Explosión pronto!"

L.chromatic_prototype = "Prototipo cromático" -- 3 adds name
L.discharge = "Descarga"
L.stage3_yell_trigger = "He intentado ser un buen anfitrión"
--L.shadowblaze_yell_trigger = "Flesh turns to ash!"
--L.too_close = "Dragons are too close"
21 changes: 4 additions & 17 deletions Blackwing/Locales/esMX.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,21 +37,8 @@ end

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("Nefarian", "esMX")
if L then
L.phase = "Fases"
L.phase_desc = "Avisa los cambios de fase."

L.discharge_bar = "Descarga"

L.phase_two_trigger = "¡Os maldigo, mortales! ¡Ese cruel menosprecio por las posesiones de uno debe ser castigado con fuerza extrema!"

L.phase_three_trigger = "He intentado ser un buen anfitrión"

L.crackle_trigger = "¡El aire crepita cargado de electricidad!"
L.crackle_message = "¡Electrocutar pronto!"

--L.shadowblaze_trigger = "Flesh turns to ash!"

L.onyxia_power_message = "¡Explosión pronto!"

L.chromatic_prototype = "Prototipo cromático" -- 3 adds name
L.discharge = "Descarga"
L.stage3_yell_trigger = "He intentado ser un buen anfitrión"
--L.shadowblaze_yell_trigger = "Flesh turns to ash!"
--L.too_close = "Dragons are too close"
21 changes: 4 additions & 17 deletions Blackwing/Locales/frFR.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,21 +37,8 @@ end

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("Nefarian", "frFR")
if L then
L.phase = "Phases"
L.phase_desc = "Prévient quand la rencontre entre dans une nouvelle phase."

L.discharge_bar = "Décharge"

L.phase_two_trigger = "Soyez maudits, mortels ! Un tel mépris pour les possessions d'autrui doit être traité avec une extrême fermeté !"

L.phase_three_trigger = "J'ai tout fait pour être un hôte accommodant"

L.crackle_trigger = "L'électricité crépite dans l'air !"
L.crackle_message = "Electrocuter imminent !"

L.shadowblaze_trigger = "Que la chair se transforme en cendres !"

L.onyxia_power_message = "Explosion imminente !"

L.chromatic_prototype = "Prototype chromatique" -- 3 adds name
L.discharge = "Décharge"
L.stage3_yell_trigger = "J'ai tout fait pour être un hôte accommodant"
L.shadowblaze_yell_trigger = "Que la chair se transforme en cendres !"
--L.too_close = "Dragons are too close"
21 changes: 4 additions & 17 deletions Blackwing/Locales/itIT.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,21 +37,8 @@ end

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("Nefarian", "itIT")
if L then
L.phase = "Fasi"
L.phase_desc = "Avvisi per il cambio di fase."

L.discharge_bar = "Scarica"

L.phase_two_trigger = "Maledetti mortali! Il disprezzo per la proprietà altri merita l'applicazione di una forza estrema!"

L.phase_three_trigger = "Ho cercato di essere un'ospite cortese"

L.crackle_trigger = "L'aria crepita di elettricità!"
L.crackle_message = "Giustizia Elettrica!"

L.shadowblaze_trigger = "La Carne si tramuta in cenere!"

L.onyxia_power_message = "Esplosione tra poco!"

L.chromatic_prototype = "Prototipo Cromatico" -- 3 adds name
L.discharge = "Scarica"
L.stage3_yell_trigger = "Ho cercato di essere un'ospite cortese"
L.shadowblaze_yell_trigger = "La Carne si tramuta in cenere!"
--L.too_close = "Dragons are too close"
21 changes: 4 additions & 17 deletions Blackwing/Locales/koKR.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,21 +37,8 @@ end

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("Nefarian", "koKR")
if L then
L.phase = "단계"
L.phase_desc = "단계 변화를 알립니다."

L.discharge_bar = "번개 방출 대기시간"

L.phase_two_trigger = "저주받을 필멸자들!"

L.phase_three_trigger = "품위있는"

L.crackle_trigger = "전기가 튀며 파지직하는 소리가 납니다!"
L.crackle_message = "곧 감전!"

L.shadowblaze_trigger = "살을 재로 만들어 주마!"

L.onyxia_power_message = "곧 폭발!"

L.chromatic_prototype = "오색 실험체" -- 3 adds name
L.discharge = "번개 방출"
L.stage3_yell_trigger = "품위있는"
L.shadowblaze_yell_trigger = "살을 재로 만들어 주마!"
--L.too_close = "Dragons are too close"
21 changes: 4 additions & 17 deletions Blackwing/Locales/ptBR.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,21 +37,8 @@ end

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("Nefarian", "ptBR")
if L then
L.phase = "Fases"
L.phase_desc = "Avisa as trocas de fase."

L.discharge_bar = "Descarga elétrica"

L.phase_two_trigger = "Malditos sejam, mortais! Um descaso tão grande pelos bens de alguém merece ser recebido violência extrema!"

L.phase_three_trigger = "Eu tentei ser um anfitrião afável, mas vocês se recusaram a morrer! Está na hora de acabar com o fingimento e simplesmente... MATAR TODOS VOCÊS!"

L.crackle_trigger = "O ar estala com eletricidade!"
L.crackle_message = "Eletrecutação iminente!"

--L.shadowblaze_trigger = "Flesh turns to ash!"

L.onyxia_power_message = "Explosão iminente!"

L.chromatic_prototype = "Protótipos cromáticos" -- 3 adds name
L.discharge = "Descarga"
L.stage3_yell_trigger = "Eu tentei ser um anfitrião afável, mas vocês se recusaram a morrer! Está na hora de acabar com o fingimento e simplesmente... MATAR TODOS VOCÊS!"
--L.shadowblaze_yell_trigger = "Flesh turns to ash!"
--L.too_close = "Dragons are too close"
21 changes: 4 additions & 17 deletions Blackwing/Locales/ruRU.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,21 +37,8 @@ end

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("Nefarian", "ruRU")
if L then
L.phase = "Фазы"
L.phase_desc = "Сообщать о смене фаз."

L.discharge_bar = "Искровой разряд"

L.phase_two_trigger = "Дерзкие смертные! Неуважение к чужой собственности нужно пресекать самым жестоким образом!"

L.phase_three_trigger = "Я пытался следовать законам гостеприимства"

L.crackle_trigger = "В воздухе трещат электрические разряды!"
L.crackle_message = "Скоро Электрический удар!"

--L.shadowblaze_trigger = "Flesh turns to ash!"

L.onyxia_power_message = "Скоро Взрыв!"

L.chromatic_prototype = "Хроматический прообраз"
L.discharge = "Искровой разряд"
L.stage3_yell_trigger = "Я пытался следовать законам гостеприимства"
--L.shadowblaze_yell_trigger = "Flesh turns to ash!"
--L.too_close = "Dragons are too close"
21 changes: 4 additions & 17 deletions Blackwing/Locales/zhCN.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,21 +37,8 @@ end

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("Nefarian", "zhCN")
if L then
L.phase = "阶段"
L.phase_desc = "当进入不同阶段时发出警报。"

L.discharge_bar = "闪电倾泻"

L.phase_two_trigger = "诅咒你们,凡人!你们丝毫不尊重他人财产的行为必须受到严厉处罚!"

L.phase_three_trigger = "我一直在尝试扮演好客的主人,可你们就是不肯受死!该卸下伪装了……杀光你们!"

L.crackle_trigger = "空气中激荡的电流噼啪作响!"
L.crackle_message = "即将 通电!"

L.shadowblaze_trigger = "血肉化为灰烬!"

L.onyxia_power_message = "即将 电荷过载!"

L.chromatic_prototype = "原型多彩龙人" -- 3 adds name
L.discharge = "闪电倾泻"
L.stage3_yell_trigger = "我一直在尝试扮演好客的主人,可你们就是不肯受死!该卸下伪装了……杀光你们!"
L.shadowblaze_yell_trigger = "血肉化为灰烬!"
--L.too_close = "Dragons are too close"
21 changes: 4 additions & 17 deletions Blackwing/Locales/zhTW.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,21 +37,8 @@ end

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("Nefarian", "zhTW")
if L then
L.phase = "階段"
L.phase_desc = "當進入不同階段時發出警報。"

L.discharge_bar = "閃電釋放"

L.phase_two_trigger = "詛咒你們,凡人!如此冷酷地漠視他人的所有物必須受到嚴厲的懲罰!"

L.phase_three_trigger = "我本來只想略盡地主之誼"

L.crackle_trigger = "響起了電流霹啪作響的聲音!"
L.crackle_message = "即將 電擊!"

L.shadowblaze_trigger = "化為灰燼吧!"

L.onyxia_power_message = "即將 電荷超載!"

L.chromatic_prototype = "炫彩原型體" -- 3 adds name
L.discharge = "閃電釋放"
L.stage3_yell_trigger = "我本來只想略盡地主之誼"
L.shadowblaze_yell_trigger = "化為灰燼吧!"
--L.too_close = "Dragons are too close"

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