A-to-I RNA editing in SARS-COV-2
RNA editing by adenosine deamination is a key molecular mechanism to modulate the innate immune response. During the course of a viral infection, it can have antiviral effects by destabilizing double stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) or proviral effects by suppressing the immune response.
Here we provide the computational workflow to detect A-to-I RNA editing in the SARS-COV-2 genome. Our scripts enable the identification of hyper-edited reads as well as A-to-I editing at single nucleotide resolution.
- Software
- FASTP for read trimming
- BWA for read mapping
- GSNAP for read mapping
- sambamba for filtering of SAM/BAM files
- SAMtools for manipulating BAM files
- REDItools v2 for RNA editing calling
- bam2fastq to estract reads from BAM files
- python 2.x to run scripts and the following mandatory modules:
- Genomic Data
- SARS-COV-2 genome (NC045512.2)
- Human Genome hg19
- Reads from PRJNA625518 BioProject - RNAseq from infected Calu-3 cells (only paired end runs):
- 4 hours post infection: SRR11550047 - SRR11550048
- 12 hours post infection: SRR11550043 - SRR11550044
- 24 hours post infection: SRR11550045 - SRR11550046
Create a folder named PRJNA625518 and a subfolder for each run. Put Fastq files in each subfolder
mkdir PRJNA625518 cd PRJNA625518 mkdir SRR11550046 # repeat for all runs
The folder structure should be:
- PRJNA625518
- SRR11550046
- SRR11550046_1.fastq.gz
- SRR11550046_2.fastq.gz
Here we illustrate the workflow step by step.
cd PRJNA625518/SRR11550046 # fastq trimming fastp -i SRR11550046_1.fastq.gz -o SRR11550046_1_trim.fastq.gz -I SRR11550046_2.fastq.gz -O SRR11550046_2_trim.fastq.gz -w 10 -q 25 -u 20 -l 50 -x --cut_tail --cut_tail_mean_quality 25 --trim_front1 0 --trim_tail1 0 # mapping of reads against hg19+virus bwa mem -t 8 hg19covid SRR11550046_1_trim.fastq.gz SRR11550046_2_trim.fastq.gz | samtools sort -@ 8 -o SRR11550046_all.bam - samtools index -@ 8 SRR11550046_all.bam # extract unique viral reads sambamba-0.7.1 view -F "not (unmapped or mate_is_unmapped or supplementary or secondary_alignment or chimeric) and proper_pair" SRR11550046_all.bam NC_045512.2 > SRR11550046.sam cat header SRR11550046.sam | samtools sort -o SRR11550046.bam - samtools index SRR11550046.bam rm SRR11550046.sam # calculate viral coverage depth samtools depth -a SRR11550046.bam > SRR11550046.dp python getCoverage.py SRR11550046.dp > SRR11550046.dp.out # infer strand orientation infer_experiment.py -i SRR11550046.bam -r covid_plus.bed > SRR11550046.inf # extract viral reads in fastq format bam2fastq -o SRR11550046#.fastq SRR11550046.bam # align viral reads by GSNAP gsnap -D gmapdb -d sarscov2 -c sarscov2tr -s splicesites.iit --nofails -n 1 -Q -N 1 -A sam -t 8 SRR11550046_1.fastq SRR11550046_2.fastq | samtools sort -@ 8 -o SRR11550046.gsnap_temp.bam samtools index -@ 8 SRR11550046.gsnap_temp.bam sambamba-0.7.1 view -t 8 -h -F "not (unmapped or mate_is_unmapped or supplementary or secondary_alignment or chimeric) and proper_pair" SRR11550046.gsnap_temp.bam | samtools sort -@ 8 -o SRR11550046.gsnap.bam samtools index -@ 8 SRR11550046.gsnap.bam rm SRR11550046_1.fastq SRR11550046_2.fastq rm SRR11550046.gsnap_temp.bam* mv SRR11550046.bam SRR11550046.bwa.bam mv SRR11550046.bam.bai SRR11550046.bwa.bam.bai
Detect hyper-edited reads
# use the script SubstitutionsPerSequence.py. It takes 3 parameters: # BAM file of aligned viral reads # Info about the strand orientation. 0: unstranded 1: FR Second Strand 2: FR First Strand # estimate the fraction of read to filter AG cluster y: estimate (for long reads) n: fix it at 0.05 python SubstitutionsPerSequence.py SRR11550046.bwa.bam 2 n
SubstitutionsPerSequence.py generates 6 output files:
- .bwa.Badreads with a list of low quality reads
- SRR11550046.bwa.context with a list of nucleotides surrounding the editing sites to calculate the sequence context
- SRR11550046.bwa.dis with the number of substitutions per each position along the read. It contains statistics for overlapping paired reads and the estimated error rate.
- SRR11550046.bwa.reads with the aligniment summary per read
- SRR11550046.bwa.cls with the list of reads with hyper editing in the same format of the .reads file
- SRR11550046.bwa.sum.cls with context values and a merging of overlapping hyper edited reads
#Example of the content # column 1: genomic position # column 2: editing type # column 3: sequence context.SRR11550046 In the middle the edited base. 3430 AG CAG 3440 AG TAA 3441 AG AAT 3462 AG AAA 3456 AG TAC 3461 AG TAA 3481 AG CAG
#Example from overlap >overlap Reads in overlap: 4501245 Bases in overlap: 91212663 Errors in overlap: 17258 Error Rate: 0.000189
# Example from the content # column 1: read ID # column 2: first (1) or second (2) read of the pair # columns 3 and 4: start and end coordinates of the alignment # columns 5 and 6: start and end positions of the aligned portion # column 7: percentage of aligned read # column 8: comma separated list of genomic positions with variants # column 9: comma separated list of read positions with variants # column 10: comma separated list of variants # column 11: number of variants with a phred score lower than the prefixed value (30) # column 12: inferred strand # column 13: 1: read is reverse 0: read is forward # column 14: 1: mean phred score quality of variants S100007198L1C004R0240315765 1 31 78 1 48 62.3 64,71 34,41 CT,CT 0 + 1 32.0 S100007198L1C005R0420577409 1 31 76 1 46 59.7 0 0 0 0 + 0 S100007198L1C001R0050400429 2 32 108 1 77 100.0 90 59 GA 0 + 0 32.0 S100007198L1C003R0060067932 1 29852 29903 1 52 67.5 29889,29891 38,40 AG,AC 0 + 1 40.0 S100007198L1C003R0580499073 1 29854 29903 2 51 64.9 29868,29869 15,16 GC,AT 0 + 1 31.5
# Example from the content # See above for column explanation S100007198L1C006R0100282147 2 11453 11529 1 77 100.0 11474,11476,11477,11486,11492,11493,11510,11513 22,24,25,34,40,41,58,61 AG,AG,AG,AG,AG,AG,AG,AG 0 + 0 38.375 S100007198L1C005R0580712041 2 12594 12670 1 77 100.0 12608,12611,12618,12650 15,18,25,57 AG,AG,AG,AG 0 + 0 39.25 S100007198L1C001R0020717137 1 12712 12788 1 77 100.0 12737,12740,12745,12777,12783 26,29,34,66,72 AG,AG,AG,AG,AG 0 + 1 37.6 S100007198L1C005R0580712041 1 12727 12803 1 77 100.0 12777,12788,12796,12800 51,62,70,74 AG,AG,AG,AG 0 + 1 40.0 S100007198L1C002R0450163396 1 16025 16101 1 77 100.0 16030,16032,16040,16061,16100 6,8,16,37,76 AG,AG,AG,AG,AG 0 + 1 39.6 S100007198L1C004R0090424767 2 17233 17309 1 77 100.0 17236,17269,17270,17276,17292,17300 4,37,38,44,60,68 AG,AG,AG,AG,AG,AG 0 + 0 38.8333333333
# Example from the content # context one base up and down the edited bases A_up 0.398004 C_up 0.166297 G_up 0.084257 T_up 0.351441 A_up 0.359202 C_up 0.186253 G_up 0.222838 T_up 0.231707 # column 1: flag (>) to extract only merged clusters # column 2: variant type # columns 3 and 4: start and end coordinates of the merged cluster # column 5: strand of the merged cluster # column 6: length of merged cluster # column 7: number of variants in the merged cluster # column 8: comma separated list of edits in the merged cluster > AG 3205 3263 + 59 5 3205,3210,3222,3238,3263 > AG 3414 3507 + 94 12 3414,3417,3424,3430,3440,3441,3456,3461,3462,3481,3503,3507 > AG 4043 4107 + 65 6 4102,4107,4043,4049,4050,4079
Profiling of RNA editing at single nucleotide level
Run REDItools v2
reditools.py -r NC045512.fa -o SRR11550046.edi -f SRR11550046.bam -m myhomo -os 4 -q 30 -bq 30 -l 0 -s 2
Compare BWA and GSNAP alignments
# run SubstitutionsPerSequence.py on gsnap BAM file python SubstitutionsPerSequence.py SRR11550046.gsnap.bam 2 n # compare aligned reads by CompareReads.py. It takes as input: # BWA.reads file # GSNAP.reads file # prefix for output files python CompareReads.py SRR11550046.bwa.bam SRR11550046.gsnap.bam Comparison
CompareReads.py outputs 2 files:
- Comparison.badPos with a list of positions to exclude
- Comparison.badReads with a list of reads to exclude
Correct variants detected by REDItools
# run corr.py. It takes as input: # BAM file from bwa # reditools output file to correct # reference fasta file of viral genome # strand info 1: FR Second Strand 2: FR First Strand 0: Unstranded # file with positions to exclude (.badPos file) # file with reads to exclude (.badReads file). Multiple files can be passed, separated by commas # it requires also the list of known variants - knownVariants.txt - (modify its path inside the script) python corr.py SRR11550046.bwa.bam SRR11550046.edi NC045512.fa 2 Comparison.badPos Comparison.badReads,SRR11550046.bwa.Badreads,SRR11550046.gsnap.Badreads
corr.py outputs 1 file:
- SRR11550046.corr.edi with a list of corrected positions using the REDItools output format
# Example from the content NC_045512.2 48 C 1 20465 37.71 [0, 20460, 0, 5] CT 0.000244319569998 - - - - - NC_045512.2 50 C 1 22437 37.60 [0, 22430, 0, 7] CT 0.000311984668182 - - - - - NC_045512.2 53 G 1 26391 39.10 [6, 0, 26383, 2] GA 0.000227367463716 - - - - - NC_045512.2 56 G 1 27791 39.07 [1, 0, 27786, 4] GT 0.000143936667866 - - - - - NC_045512.2 59 C 1 26491 37.73 [1, 26485, 1, 4] CT 0.000151006077995 - - - - -
Select RNA editing positions using the selectPositions.py script from the REDItools package.
# select positions using as minimal allele frequency two times the error rate from read overlap # Error Rate: 0.000189 - Cut-off value: 0.000378 selectPositions.py -i SRR11550046.corr.edi -c 20 -v 4 -f 0.000378 -o SRR11550046.corr.sel.err.edi # Calculate the distribution of detected variants python subCount2.py SRR11550046.corr.sel.err.edi > SRR11550046.corr.sel.err.edi.distro # Example of the content # Row 1: variant types # Row 2: number of detected variants per type # Row 3: total number of detected variants # Row 4: Occurrence of each variant type (in %) AC AG AT CA CG CT GA GC GT TA TC TG 8 62 15 5 2 235 14 14 23 21 143 22 564 564 564 564 564 564 564 564 564 564 564 564 1.41843971631 10.9929078014 2.65957446809 0.886524822695 0.354609929078 41.6666666667 2.48226950355 2.48226950355 4.0780141844 3.72340425532 25.3546099291 3.90070921986
- Ernesto Picardi: [email protected]