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  • User Experience ( AJAX )
  • Developer Experience ( React, Angular, Vue )
  • Offline Experience ( kill the dinosaur )
  • Provide Application like user Experience

Programming Term



  • supported client side
  • make easy query, mutation, but more better urql

React, React Native

SSR ( Server Side Rendering )

  • Rendering Optimzation ( Hastening React SSR with Component Memoization and Templatization )
    • Memoization: Component's rendered markup is stored in a cache and used for sub-sequent requests of the exact same component.
    • Templatization: Component's rendered markup is templatized and used for sub-sequent requests of the same component with different props.

SSG(Static Site Generation), ISR(Increment Static Regeneration), SSR, CSR(Client Side Rendering), RSC(React Server Component)


Render Props

Frontend Pattern

Other Patterns

  • LINQ
  • CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) - Redux패턴의 유래가 CQRS에 있다함.
  • Codifies patterns
  • Proxy and Decorator Patterns  - 구현은 비슷하나 개념은 다르다.
    Decorator: 3rd party software, middleware Proxy: Mobx, immer, internet proxy server
    Proxy objects are the same in software. You make a call to a resource or service and the call that you make is handled by an object that can figure out how to make the real call, possibly pre-process the results and send any response you need, back to you.
  • Hijacking a javascript function Pattern
  • Registration Pattern
  • TCC - Try Confirm Cancel Pattern
  • Islands Architecture


  • Only throw/Promise.reject Error objects
  • Make sure all promise chains have a proper catch
  • Code defensively with debugging in mind

JavaScript error Tracking services

bugsnag, rollbar, sentry, raygun, honeybadger, trackjs,

Best Tools

  • Freactal  - input, toggle등 반복적인 state처리가 필요할 시 provideState로 컨테이너 분리하면 효율적으로 사용할 수 있음.
  • Carousel  - 말이 필요없는 깔끔한 Carousel
  • Radium  - CSS in JS. inline style로 모든 CSS를 표현할수 있다. ex) mediaquery, :hover, :active ...



  • babel
  • grunt


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