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Welcome to My Portfolio

Dive into my digital playground where creativity meets technology. This portfolio showcases my journey and skills using some of the most cutting-edge technologies in web development. Explore, get inspired, and feel free to contribute!


Visit the live site: explorebuddhadebkoner

Built With

This project leverages a variety of powerful libraries and frameworks to deliver a seamless and engaging user experience:

  • @formspree/react: "^2.5.1" – For effortless form submissions.
  • @gsap/react: "^2.1.1" – Bringing animations to life.
  • axios: "^1.6.8" – Simplified HTTP requests.
  • lenis: "^1.1.3" – Smooth scroll experiences.
  • react: "^18.2.0" – The core of our UI.
  • react-dom: "^18.2.0" – DOM binding for React.
  • react-router-dom: "^6.22.3" – Navigational components for React.
  • react-scrollbars-custom: "^4.1.1" – Customizable scrollbars.
  • react-helmet": "^6.1.0 – Title optimization.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is for educational purposes only.