Create Buggy graphs from Lisp-like code.
(defco newCoName [inputA inputB]
{:output1 (math/less inputA inputB)
:output2 (math/add inputA inputB)})
Lisgy CLI [version <VERSION>]
pc [code] Parse and compile the lisgy code
input [file] Use the stdin input as lisgy code or if none is given open an
editor [aliases: i]
edit [file] Opens an editor to edit the file [file] and use its content as
lisgy code [aliases: e]
completion generate bash completion script
--help Show help [boolean]
; new component with named output ports
(defco name [inputs*] [:output (exprs1) ...])
; new component with just one output port (default name 'value')
(defco name [inputs*] (exprs1))
; Anonymous functions
(lambda [args] (...))
(fn [args] (...))
; Define
(def name value)
; Example: use + instead of math/add
(def + math/add)
(+ 2 3)
; Let
(let [var1 (exprs1) var2 (exprs2) ...]
... ; use new variables
; only the last exprs node is 'returned'
; Example
(let [a 5
txt "some text"
tt "check true"
ff "check false"
check (< a 3)]
(stdout txt)
(if check tt ff)))
; Import
(import math) ; Import all default math components
(import lisgy.clj) ; Import all components from lisgy.clj
(import graph.json) ; Import all components from graph.json
(+ 2 3)
; Set extra node infos, e.g. the name with {}
(+ 2 3 {:name "add23"})
; Intern
; Define the ports of a extern component
(defcop name [inputs*] [outputs*])
(def add math/add) ; rename math/add to add
(defcop add [s1 s2] [sum]) ; define the input/output ports for add
(def mul math/multiply) ; rename math/multiply to mul
; lisgy will get the defcop for math/ multiply automatic
; define a new component 'add2' with a default output port 'value' and the input port 'a''
(defco add2 [a] (add a 2))
(defco sub [a b] (add a (mul b -1)))
(defco math
[a b]
[:add (add a b)
:mul (mul a b)
:sub (sub a b)
:a2 (add2 a)
:b2 (add2 b)])
(defco math2
(let [* mul
a2 (* a 2)]
(* a2 8)))
; full example
(defcop math/less [isLess than] [value])
(defcop math/add [s1 s2] [sum])
(def + math/add)
(def < math/less)
(defco test [a b] [:add (+ a b)
:less (< a b)
:fn (fn [c d] (< (+ a c)
(+ b d)))])
npm i @buggyorg/lisgy
alternativ via git
git clone
# global
cd lisgy
npm i -g
# or as alias
npm i
alias lisgy='PATH TO LISGY FOLDER/lib/cli.js'
lisgy pc '(lambda (a b) (math/add a b))' > parsed.json
# with stdin
echo '(lambda (a b) (math/add a b))' | lisgy input > parsed.json
# open an editor (default nano)
lisgy input > parsed.json
# use a input file
lisgy input code.lisp -n > parsed.json