Group Members: Brandon Prak, Riley Kuttruff, Adam Do
Software Versions:
- JDK - 11.0.8
- JFlex - 1.8.2
- CUP - 0.11b
To Compile Project 1:
- Open terminal
- Navigate to where the files are located (e.g. C:/Desktop/Compiler-Project/src/)
- Type 'javac *.java'
To Run Project 1: java Main <input file>
To Compile Project 2:
- Open terminal
- Navigate to where the files are located (e.g. C:/Desktop/Compiler-Project/src/)
- Type 'javac -cp ".;java-cup-11b.jar"'
To Run Project 2: java -cp ".;java-cup-11b.jar" Main <input file>