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Ingest data into the CanDIGv2 stack. This repository assumes that you have a functional instance of the CanDIGv2 software stack.

This repository can either be run standalone or as a Docker container.

What you'll need for ingest

  • A valid user for CanDIGv2 that has site administrator, site curator or program curator privileges for the programs you intend to ingest.
  • List of users that will have access to this dataset.
  • Clinical data, saved as either an Excel file or as a set of csv files.
  • Locations of Genomic data files in vcf, bam or cram format with paired index files for each.
  • File map of genomic files in a csv or json file, linking genomic sample IDs to the clinical samples.
  • (if needed) Credentials for s3 endpoints: url, access ID, secret key.
  • Reference genome used for the variant files.
  • Manifest and mappings for clinical_ETL_code conversion.


Using a Python 3.10+ environment, run the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use candigv2-ingest

candigv2-ingest can be used as a local API server or a docker container and is generally expected to be used as part of a running CanDIGv2 stack. To use the local API, set your environment variables, run python, and follow the API instructions in the sections below. The API will be available at localhost:1236. A swagger UI is also available at /ui. Docker instructions can be found at the bottom of this document. To authorize yourself for these endpoints, you will need to set the Authorization header to a keycloak bearer token (in the format "Bearer ..." without the quotes).

Getting a bearer token

Users can obtain a bearer token by logging into the CanDIG data portal, clicking the cog in the top right corner, clicking *** Get API Token and clicking the token to copy it.

Site administrators or users using a local candig install can also obtain a token programmatically using the following curl commands from the CanDIGv2 repo:

CURL_OUTPUT=$(curl -s --request POST \
  --url $KEYCLOAK_PUBLIC_URL'/auth/realms/candig/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data grant_type=password \
  --data client_id=$CANDIG_CLIENT_ID \
  --data client_secret=$CANDIG_CLIENT_SECRET \
  --data username=$CANDIG_SITE_ADMIN_USER \
  --data password=$CANDIG_SITE_ADMIN_PASSWORD \
  --data scope=openid)
export TOKEN=$(echo $CURL_OUTPUT | grep -Eo 'access_token":"[a-zA-Z0-9._\-]+' | cut -d '"' -f3)

1. Program registration

Programs need to be registered before any data can be ingested. Initial program registration can be done by either a site admin or site curator. More information about assigning site admins and site curators is in sections 4 and 5 below.

To register a program, use the /ingest/program/ endpoint to add, update, or delete authorization information for a program. Authorization headers for a site admin or site curator user must be provided. A POST request replaces a program authorization, while a DELETE request revokes it.

During program registration, users can be assigned one of two levels of authorization:

  • Team members are researchers of a program and are authorized to read and access all donor-specific data for a program.
  • Program curators are users that are authorized to curate data for the program: they can ingest and delete data.

The following is an example of the payload you would need to POST to /ingest/program to add the following user roles to TEST-PROGRAM-1:

{"program_id": "TEST-PROGRAM-1", "team_members":["[email protected]"], "program_curators": ["[email protected]"]}

An example curl command that adds two program curators and 2 team members is below:

curl -s --request POST \
  --url $CANDIG_URL'/ingest/program' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN \
  -d '{"program_id": "PROGRAM_ID", "program_curators": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"], "team_members": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]}'

See Getting a bearer token for how to get a token.


A POST request to the ingest/program replaces any existing program registration data for that program. It is advisable to first use a GET request to see the current users authorized to a program before adding additional program_curators and/or team_members when POSTing to this endpoint

2. Clinical data

i. Prepare clinical data

Before being ingested, data must be transformed to the CanDIG MoH data model. This can be done using CanDIG's clinical_ETL_code repository. Please visit that repository for full instructions and return to ingest when you have a valid JSON file with a set of donors. An example file can be found at tests/single_ingest.json

ii. Ingest clinical data

The preferred method for clinical data ingest is using the API.


The clinical ingest API runs at $CANDIG_URL/ingest/clinical. Simply send a request with an authorized bearer token and a JSON body with your clinical data json output from clinical_etl. See the swagger UI/schema for the response format. The request will return a response with a queue ID. You can check the status of your ingest using that ID at $CANDIG_URL/ingest/status/{queue_id}.

Example curl POST to ingest clinical data:

curl -X 'POST' \
  $CANDIG_URL'/ingest/clinical' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN \
  -d '@/absolute/path/to/clinical_map.json>'

3. Genomic data

First, ensure that the relevant clinical data is ingested, as this must be completed before your genomic data is ingested.

i. Prepare Genomic files

Accepted file types:

  • Variants in VCF (.vcf or .vcf.gz) with paired tabix (.tbi) files
  • Aligned reads (.bam or .cram) with paired index files (.bai, .crai)

For each file, you need to have a note of:

  • The submitter_sample_id(s) that the file should link to
  • How that sample is referred to within the file, e.g. the sample ID in a VCF or @RG SM in BAM/CRAM
  • Where the file is located in relation to the running htsget server

This information will be used to create the genomic ingest JSON file required for ingest


It is important to ensure no donor identifiable information is contained within the genomic files, such as in BAM/CRAM headers or VCF metadata

ii. Move files to an accessible location

Files must be visible to the running htsget server and can either be made available via S3 compatible storage or by storing the files locally within the htsget container or via a NFS mount.

S3-compatible system

How do I move files into an S3-type bucket? Ingest files into S3-compatible stores one endpoint/bucket at a time.
python --sample <sample>|--samplefile <samplefile> --endpoint <S3 endpoint> --bucket <S3 bucket> --awsfile <aws credentials>
Add S3 credentials to vault

This can be done through the /add-s3-credential API endpoint. Simply provide the endpoint, bucket name, access key and secret key as the JSON body:

	"endpoint": "candig.docker.internal:9000",
	"bucket": "mohccndata",
	"access_key": "admin",
	"secret_key": "BsjbFTCQ8TpKVRj9euQEsQ"

Your bucket will now be usable for htsget ingest.

Local or mounted storage to htsget

If necessary, genomic samples can be loaded directly from the htsget container's internal storage. Simply docker cp the sample files somewhere into the container and prefix your access_method with file:/// instead of s3:// (see below).

iii. Prepare the Genomic JSON file

Metadata about each genomic file should be specified in a JSON file.

The file should contain an array of dictionaries, where each item represents a single file. Each dictionary specifies important information about the genomic file and how it links to the ingested clinical data. The structure of this dictionary is specified in the ingest openapi schema, an example file exists within the test files and a commented example is below:

    {   ## Example linking to genomic and index files in s3 storage to a single sample
        "program_id": "SYNTHETIC-2",      # The name of the program
        "genomic_file_id": "HG00096.cnv",  # The identifier used to identify the genomic file, usually the filename, minus extensions
        "main": {                         # location and name of the main genomic file, bam/cram/vcf
            "access_method": "s3://",
            "name": "HG00096.cnv.vcf.gz"
        "index": {                        # location and name of the index for the main genomic file, bai/crai/
            "access_method": "s3://",
            "name": "HG00096.cnv.vcf.gz.tbi"
        "metadata": {                     # Metadata about the file
            "sequence_type": "wgs",       # type of data sequenced (whole genome or whole transcriptome), allowed values: [wgs, wts]
            "data_type": "variant",       # type of data represented, allowed values: [variant, read]
            "reference": "hg37"           # which reference genome was used for alignment, allowed values: [hg37, hg38]
        "samples": [                      # Linkage to one or more samples that the genomic file was derived from
                "genomic_file_sample_id": "HG00096",  # The name of the sample in the genomic file
                "submitter_sample_id": "SAMPLE_REGISTRATION_1"   # The submitter_sample_id to link to
    {  ## Example linking genomic and index files in local storage to multiple samples
        "program_id": "SYNTHETIC-2",
        "genomic_file_id": "multisample",
        "main": {
            "access_method": "file:////app/htsget_server/data/files/multisample_1.vcf.gz",
            "name": "multisample_1.vcf.gz"
        "index": {
            "access_method": "file:////app/htsget_server/data/files/multisample_1.vcf.gz.tbi",
            "name": "multisample_1.vcf.gz.tbi"
        "metadata": {
            "sequence_type": "wgs",
            "data_type": "variant",
            "reference": "hg37"
        "samples": [
                "genomic_file_sample_id": "TUMOR",
                "submitter_sample_id": "SAMPLE_REGISTRATION_4"
		"genomic_file_sample_id": "NORMAL",
		"submitter_sample_id": "SPECIMEN_5"


  • genomic_file_id is the filename of the variation file (e.g. HG00096.vcf.gz, HG00096.bam)
  • Access methods can either be of the format s3://[endpoint]/[bucket name] or file:///[directory relative to root on htsget container].
  • submitter_sample_id(s) are the (mandatory) links to the `Sample Registration objects uploaded during clinical data ingest.
  • index is the file location and name of the index file; for instance a tabix (tbi) or cram index (crai)
  • If an S3 bucket access method is provided, assuming you have properly added the S3 credentials to vault (see above), the service will scan the S3 bucket to ensure the relevant files are present.
  • There is no validation that the genomic files exist locally or are mounted to htsget. If the local (file:///) method is used it is important to check all files are present before proceeding with ingest.

iv. Ingest genomic files


Use the $CANDIG_URL/ingest/genomic endpoint with the proper Authorization headers and your genomic JSON as specified above for the body to ingest and link to the clinical dataset program_id.

Example curl POST request to ingest genomic data:

curl -X 'POST' \
  $CANDIG_URL'/ingest/genomic' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN \
  -d '@/absolute/path/to/genomic.json>'

See Getting a bearer token for how to get a token.

4. Adding or removing site administrators

Use the /ingest/site-role/admin/{user_email} endpoint to add or remove site administrators. A POST request adds the user as a site admin, while a DELETE request removes the user from the role. A valid site administrator token must be used with this endpoint.

5. Adding or removing site curators

Use the /ingest/site-role/curator/{user_email} endpoint to add or remove site curators. A POST request adds the user as a site curator, a GET request returns whether the user is a site curator as a boolean, while a DELETE request removes the user from the role. A valid site administrator token must be used with this endpoint.

6. Approving/rejecting pending users

Use the /user/pending endpoint to list pending users. A site admin can approve either a single or multiple pending users by POSTing to the user/pending/{user} or user/pending endpoints, and likewise reject with DELETEs to the same endpoints. DELETE to the bulk endpoint clears the whole pending list.

7. Adding a DAC-style program authorization for a user

An authorized user can be approved to view a program for a particular timeframe by a POST to the /user/{user_id}/authorize endpoint. The body should be a json that contains the program_id, start_date, and end_date. Re-posting a new json with the same program ID will update the user's authorization. An authorization for a program can be revoked by a DELETE to the /user/{user_id}/authorize/{program_id} endpoint.

Run as Docker Container

The containerized version runs the API as specified above within a Docker container (which is how this repository is used in the CanDIGv2 stack). To run, ensure you have docker installed and CanDIGv2 running, then run the following commands:

docker build . --build-arg venv_python=3.10 --build-arg alpine_version=3.14 -t ingest_app
docker run -p 1236:1235 -e CANDIG_URL="$CANDIG_URL" -e KEYCLOAK_PUBLIC_URL="$KEYCLOAK_PUBLIC_URL" -e VAULT_URL="http://candig.docker.internal:8200" -e CANDIG_CLIENT_ID="$CANDIG_CLIENT_ID" -e CANDIG_CLIENT_SECRET="$CANDIG_CLIENT_SECRET" --name candig-ingest-dev --add-host candig.docker.internal:[YOUR LOCAL IP] ingest_app

Also, Note that VAULT_URL's host is often set as, which the container may not be able to access; if so, set it to candig.docker.internal:8200 (or whatever your vault port is).

This will start a Docker container with a REST API for the ingest at localhost:1236. Then follow the same API instructions above.

(Note: on the CanDIGv2 repo, the service runs on port 1235; it is run as 1236 locally in these instructions to ensure there is no interference while testing.)


To test candigv2-ingest, from the repo directory, simply run the following command:


Generating json files for test ingest

The script can be used to generate a json files for ingest from an the CanDIG MOHCCN sythetic data repo. The script automatically clones the mohccn-synthetic-data repo and converts the small dataset, saving the json files needed for ingest in the tests directory as small_dataset_clinical_ingest.json and small_dataset_genomic_ingest.json. It then deletes the cloned repo. If validation of the dataset fails, it saves the validation results to the tests/ directory as small_dataset_clinical_ingest_validation_results.json. If you are running this container as part of the CanDIGv2 stack, this data generation is run as part of the make compose-candig-ingest step, so the files may already exist in the lib/candig-ingest/candigv2-ingest/tests directory.

To run:

  • Set up a virtual environment and install requirements (if you haven't already). If running inside the ingest docker container, this shouldn't be needed.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the script with the desired output location and an optional prefix for the identifiers


python -h
usage: [-h] [--prefix PREFIX] --tmp

A script that copies and converts data from mohccn-synthetic-data for ingest into CanDIG platform.

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --prefix PREFIX  optional prefix to apply to all identifiers
  --TMP TMP  Directory to temporarily clone the mohccn-synthetic-data repo.