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A Mustache template for Polymer web components

polymer-mustache-template provides a Mustache template file that can be used to render Polymer local DOM modules (custom elements) from external HTML, CSS and JavaScript files.

For instance, this template could be used by a task runner to build web components out of different sources.

Getting started


Install this template as a dependency to your project using npm:

$ npm install --save polymer-mustache-template

Alternatively, it is also available on Bower:

$ bower install --save polymer-mustache-template


This template can easily be required as a CommonJS module in Node.js:

var polymerMustacheTemplate = require('polymer-mustache-template').default;

Hash Example

The following view data is referenced in the template file:

  id: 'example-element',
  imports: {
    additional: [
    polymer: '../required/path/to/polymer.html'
  markup: '<p>Hello world!</p> <!-- This property is optional -->',
  script: 'Polymer({ is: "example-element" }); // This property is required',
  style: '.optional-css-styles { color: red; }'


This is communist software. It is crafted with heart and soul to the best of the author’s knowledge and belief: Not for profit but to satisfy the concrete needs. Do whatever you want with it (as long as you keep the author’s copyright notice in all copies or substantial portions of it included) for free. Imagine how the world could be if others would produce and distribute their products for the same benefits and ask yourself why they’re actually not.


This software is licensed under MIT License.

Copyright © 2016 Christian Grete