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David Sagan edited this page Sep 4, 2017 · 5 revisions


The following is a very simple Bmad lattice:

beginning[beta_a] = 10.   ! m
beginning[beta_b] = 10.   ! m
beginning[e_tot] = 10e6   ! eV
parameter[geometry] = open  ! or closed

d: drift, L = 0.5
b: sbend, L = 0.5, g = 1, e1 = 0.01, e2 = 0.02
q: quadrupole, L = 0.6, k1 = 0.23

lat: line = (d, b, q)
use, lat

Using the above as content, create a file 'lat.bmad' and run tao on the command line:

 > tao -lat lat.bmad

Show Plot Page Parameters

Tao> show plot
plot_page parameters:
  %size                         = 500     600
  %n_curve_pts                  = 401
  %text_height                  = 12.000
... etc...

   Plot                                    Description
   ----------------------------            -------------------
   alpha                                   Twiss alpha function
   b_div_curl                              Magnetic Field Divergence and Curl along orbit
   b_field                                 Magnetic Field Along Orbit
   beta                                    Twiss beta function
   bunch_sigma_xy                          Bunch transverse sigmas
   bunch_R1_R2                             Bunch phase space plot. R1, R2 -> x, px, y, py, z, or pz. EG: bunch_z_pz
   cbar                                    Cbar coupling matrix
   dbeta                                   Chromatic normalized beta beat
... etc...

                                               Location on Page
Plot Region         <-->  Plot                 x1    x2    y1    y2
-----------               -----------------------------------------
layout              <-->  lat_layout          0.00  1.00  0.00  0.15
r11                 <-->                      0.00  1.00  0.15  1.00
r12                 <-->                      0.00  1.00  0.58  1.00
r22                 <-->                      0.00  1.00  0.15  0.58
r13                 <-->  beta                0.00  1.00  0.72  1.00
r23                 <-->  dispersion          0.00  1.00  0.43  0.72
r33                 <-->  orbit               0.00  1.00  0.15  0.43
r14                 <-->                      0.00  1.00  0.79  1.00
... etc...

The Plot Window is divided up into regions:

Tao defines a default set of plotting regions and more can be defined using an initialization file.

Place a Template Plot on the Plot Window

Tao> place r22 floor_plan

Example place commands:

Tao> place r22 none    ! Clear a region
Tao> place * none      ! Clear all regions

Scale a Plot

	Tao> scale beta 0 20  ! Set y_min = 0, y_max = 20
	Tao> scale r22 0 20   ! Same as above if beta plot in r22 region
	Tao> scale beta       ! Tao will calculate nice bounds
	Tao> scale all        ! "all" = all plots
	Tao> scale            ! Same as "scale all"

	Tao> x_scale beta 0.8 1.0   ! Scale horizontal axis
	Tao> xy_scale floor_plan    ! Combined scale and x_scale.