Going to have folder for each component to keep everything seperate and if a component has client and server interveaing I can keep it all in one folder. This also allows for easy dynamic no ssr imports in baralleling.
Use bun run add COMPONENT_NAME to create a new component in a folder. Use --dir for having folder in places like Context.
Hooks are useComponent.hook.js
Going to use bun and turbopack to bleed irresponsibly
Going to try to make most components and utils by myself
Sites as rolemodels: https://nextjs.org https://turbo.build/pack https://www.joshwcomeau.com
Tools: https://create.t3.gg/en/introduction https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/ https://tailwindcss.com/docs/ https://heroicons.com https://vercel.com/font
for header start doing dropdowns for lang which has a searchable option and theme.
Maybe add an animation to sun to moon.
Try to get fusion model explosion and think of way to integrate into site text
when you hover over button have the size chane but not text like josh comeau for example in theme siwtcher
fix duplicate class issues
chaneg theme conetxt to have context in get
Add millio.js after testing speed increase and maybe try the compiler too until the react one "comes out" Also maybe use lightning css or tailwind next version
Maybe make packages for broadcast api with state between tabs also make a package for nextTheme but better with cookies.
Maybe use react aria in the future but only for hooks so I can have custom components that are all web standard
maybe use select and option for dropdwon
make newcomponentchurro optional
use zod instead of assertion when awating json if this even ahppens ehre
Just for myself but useHasMounted for when you dont want one component server rendred but children server rendered like theme context.
Use the noSSRWrapper when you don't want children server rendered either.