I am no longer working on this, consider using the Rust rewrite "pulsecycle"
A Python script to switch all of your Pulseaudio streams (I just noticed I had a few stars, so I pushed out an update since I was using a different repo).
This will toggle between the 2 sinks specified (1 and 2). After switching the default sink the script will move all of the channels to the new sink.
python switch.py --default-sink-toggle 1 2 --move-streams
pip install pulsectl
cp switch_stream.py /usr/bin/switch_stream
chmod +x /usr/bin/switch_stream
This is what I have in my i3 configuration file.
bindsym Control+XF86AudioMute exec "switch_stream --auto --move-streams; polybar-msg hook show_sink 1"
type = custom/ipc
hook-0 = /usr/bin/switch_stream --show-short
initial = 1
format = <output>
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-prefix = "SINK: "
I just press CTRL+mute and it'll rotate between my bluetooth speaker and my headphones. There is a bug where all streams aren't moved on the first try, so sometimes I have to press CTRL+mute twice.