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CMA: booking system requirements

Zane Mitrevica edited this page May 22, 2023 · 1 revision


Each student group should meet with two mentors of appropriate seniority, one from academia and one from another career sector. These meetings should take place during the three-hour project slot on two specific days.


The starting point will be:

  1. A csv file exported from airtable containing information about mentors who have passed pre-screening. At minimum, the data will include:

    1. mentor name
    2. email address
    3. seniority (junior, intermediate, senior)
    4. is_academia (Y, N)
  2. A csv file containing information about student groups and their matched Teaching Assistants (TAs). This data will include:

    1. group name
    2. TA name
    3. TA email
    4. timezone slot
    5. seniority

Necessary features

  • Mentors should receive a personalised link. They should not be asked to enter their name or email address again.
  • For each mentor-student group combination, we would like to offer five possible meeting times: t, t + 0.5 hours, t + 1 hour, t + 1.5 hours, t + 2 hours on a specific day.
  • The actual days and times would be different for each of the five timezone slots.
  • A given mentor should be able to see and book meetings only with groups of equal or lower seniority.
  • A given mentor should be able to see and book meetings only with groups who are yet to book a meeting with a mentor from the same career sector (academia vs other).
  • Mentors should be able to select several meetings as long as:
    • they do not clash with each other,
    • they are with different project groups.
  • As soon as some meetings get booked, all other meeting slots with a given group should become unavailable to mentors from the same career sector (academia vs other).
  • As soon as some meetings get booked, all other meetings with the same group on the same day should become unavailable for everyone else irrespective of career sector.
  • Ideally, mentors would see the meeting times displayed in their local timezone, but this is less critical; it would be ok to have times in UTC.
  • After booking, mentors should receive a confirmation email with the details of all meetings they booked.
  • Meeting details relevant to their students should also be sent to the respective TAs.
  • The mentor-project group-TA information should be linked on the backend so that joint emails (e.g. meeting reminders) can be sent at a later date.
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