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How to Create Custom Strategy

PermieBTS edited this page Aug 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

10.0 How to Create a Custom Strategy

10.1 How to Start on a Custom Strategy

10.1.1 Take dexbot/strategies/ and dexbot/strategies/config_parts/ as templates for a new strategy. contains strategy skeleton, while contains strategy config options.

10.2 Workers in DEXBot are callback based. WorkerInfrastructure (dexbot/ manage subscriptions to the node via bitshares.Notify. When some event is received from the node, a callback function is called. A strategy can set several callbacks:

  • 10.2.1 self.onMarketUpdate: called when market event happened, e.g. a new order was placed
  • 10.2.2 self.onAccount: something happened with worker account, like: account placed an order, incoming transfer
  • 10.2.3 self.ontick: called on each block

10.3 Best practices in strategy logic

10.3.1 Strategy GUI

10.3.2 How to make a strategy available from the GUI and CLI configure To add into cli configure: dexbot/ add the strategy into STRATEGIES constant. Note that "tag" field must be unique. To add into GUI: dexbot/controllers/ add the strategy into strategies()

10.3.3 Strategy GUI elements If you don't need custom logic in the GUI, just use ConfigElement like shown in Corresponding GUI elements will be generated automatically. If you need custom elements in the GUI, specify custom 'form_module' in WorkerController.strategies() to point to some ui file. For example the Relative Orders strategy and it's UI are in dexbot/views/ui/forms/relative_orders_widget.ui. You can create such a custom UI file via qt-designer tool.

10.3.4 How to set Fields/Checkboxes Dependencies/Signals in the GUI To set up GUI elements connections and signals, you need to define StrategyController class (see dexbot/controllers/ Built-in strategies have their controllers right there, but external strategy may have its own StrategyController class in the same file.

10.3.5 How to Package a Strategy and Make it Auto-Discoverable DEXBot uses importlib when launching a worker. For each worker there is a "module" directive in config.yml, like module: dexbot.strategies.staggered_orders. dexbot/ contains the external strategy discovery mechanism which tries to import strategies from dexbot.strategy namespace. This means you can package a custom strategy into "dexbot.strategies" namespace and it will be discovered automatically. To provide a custom UI, you need to have class Ui_Form defined inside your strategy module. See the example in dexbot/views/ui/forms/ (this file is autogenerated by python build_ui from the originating UI file).