This project is based off kriasoft/react-starter-kit
To run the project:
Install yarn and docker
Run Install
yarn install
Create a .env file
export DB_HOST="localhost" export DB_PORT=5432 export DB_NAME="communityfund" export DB_USER="communityfund_user" export DB_PASSWORD="communityfund_password" export JWT_SECRET="super_secret"
Run start
yarn start:all
This will start the following:
- The CommunityFund website - http://localhost:3001
- Browsersync - http://localhost:3002. This is an awesome debugging tool.
- GraphQL interface - http://localhost:3001/graphql
- A postgres database running within a docker container
When running locally the database is run within a docker container. You can kill the local database (and flush all of the data) by running the following command:
yarn db:stop
yarn start - Start the node server.
yarn start: all - Start the local db, seed the db and start the node server.
yarn db:start - Start the local db.
yarn db:stop - Stop the local db.
yarn db:seed - Seed the local db.
yarn db:flush - Flush the local db.
yarn lint:js - Lint all the JS files
yarn lint:css - Lint all the CSS files