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Sprint 7

ESmike0 edited this page May 26, 2023 · 9 revisions


One challenging task I tackled was refactoring the edit profile feature, which had a rudimentary UI, and merging it with the completion profile, which had a more polished interface. The goal was to create a unified and enhanced edit profile experience. The new edit profile now supports various functionalities, including profile picture selection and form validations. Working on this sprint was highly satisfying as I managed to address several issues and add missing functionalities to the app. These included creating event images, liking a Post that display with progress animation, and enhancing the edit profile. All those little animations/toasts that are showed as feedback to the user are so fun to play with and very satisfying to implement (except the testing part :D) Throughout this one-week sprint, I accomplished twice the number of tasks compared to previous sprints, the tasks were smaller and easier to implement because I have become very familiar with the codebase and gained valuable experience in Android development through this course. This was my first time working in scrum metodology with a large team. It was very interesting and learned a lot of things in team project managment. This experience may prove useful in our future professional careers as well!!


Ma sprint went very well. I had to fix a bug when filtering the profiles in the community activity and participants list in event activity. What was cool is that I managed to finish and merge sooner than usually so I had no conflicts to solve :) (which usually takes much unexpected additional time)


This sprint was quite nice. It's very satisfying to see what our app looks like after a whole semester of hard work. I kind of feel like a proud parent :) We had a tricky merge with Mikael because I deleted a class that he used for his fix. In the end I figured out a nice solution and the two tasks are done. In the start I had two tasks because I hadn't quite understood the extent of the bug fix; however, after the guys explained it to me we quickly decided that I would only focus on this task. Eric had the opposite problem and was missing a quick task so he took the second from me.

To conclude SDP I'd say that it was a challenging but very satisfying project. It was great to discover the complexity of group work!!! The assistants were helpful and gave us a fun destabilization. Would definitely recommend this class!!!


I didn't code this sprint, as I had to focus on my Bachelor's project. I just attended the meeting to take part in the decisions and reviewed a few PRs. The project is in good hands with my teammates.


I attended the scrum meetings and worked in both my tasks. I have found a solution that solves both of them. And more than code, I spend the majority of my time thinking about different ways to solve those 2 bugs and found out a good solution. Overall I am happy with our project, it was the first time working on such a project with a team and I think that we managed to do a good job as a team. And also I’d like to thank our 2 beautiful assistants for giving us guidance in this project.

Eric (scrum master)

Overall, my sprint was pretty good, fixing the bug was quite technical and took some time even though it did not require a lot of changes, changing the color was quite troublesome as it was difficult to get everyone's approval! I also did the date filter as it was needed.

Overall team

Overall, even though we finished our sprint at the last second, I would say that it went pretty well, all old bugs were solved. And thanks to our hard work, we have up to now the highest coverage with a pleasant looking app.

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